Monday, May 2, 2011

Kennedy Space Center

We decided to visit the Kennedy Space Center. This is the first time Joe and I both got a discount for being senior citizens ( age 55 and up). The discount was $4.50 off each. The total costs was still $83.00 with tax.

The first thing that was recommended was to take a bus to see Apollo 8 missile that went to the moon. We were herded  through people gates back and forth to catch the bus. The wait was an hour. Luckily it was in the shade, and they had a few ceiling fans running. Though there was a lot of body heat going on!

They had bus after bus, loading us up.

We were suppose to have 2 stops on the bus, but we were told because it was after 1:00, it was too late for the first stop. I think it might have been this building, we were to stop at also. As we drove by it, we were told this was where the shuttles and missiles are assembled and maintained.

Next to the building was this launch pad.

Our only stop was to see the Apollo 8 reassembled.

The Apollo 8 was the USA's first trip to the moon in 1968.

So they had a 1968 corvette on display. Looks just like Joe's old 68 corvette, except it is missing the two red stripe running length wise on the car.

Moon suit worn to the moon.

The moon car used in Apollo11, first landing on moon.

The Lunar Lander.

Behind the building of the Apollo 8 were all these birds.

A lot of them were doing this stand. Either they are drying off or they are showing off.  Maybe somebody can tell me what they are doing.

They look like some kind of vulture.

We spent about about 5  to 6 hours at the space center. We enjoyed the I- Max show the best. I learned a lot about our US history space travels.

A model of a shuttle. We rode a shuttle simulator. We were not impressed. The anticipation was scarier than the ride. Great for kids though! 

There was lots more to see and do, but we were getting tired and the sky was getting real dark, so we headed for our car. We got home just in time for the short, but very loud thunder storm. Mallery was very happy to see us, as the storm hit.

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