Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oregon Inlet National Park Campground, Outer Banks 5/27/2011

We left Sands Of Time in Avon, on Hatteras Island, in the Outer Banks today. This is a very nice park. The only down side to the park is the siren noise from the Volunteer Fire Station, about a half block away. One afternoon, a siren went off for about 2 minutes.( It is a siren, like for a city wide emergency). Two days later, it went off again. I asked Joe to go to the office and see what the siren was for. They told him, that when a accident or drowning occurs, the siren goes off to call for help. One night around 1AM it went off and then again at 3AM. That night was a little startling. We were at the park for 6 days and heard the siren a total of 6 times. Sands of Time does have free WiFi which is really nice, even though I had internet service, I used Sands Of Time's WiFi to save on my bandwidth. If you have a Passport Membership, you will get a discount price Monday through Thursday. You do have to pay for your electricity use.
After about a 40 minute drive north, we cross over a bridge to another area, called the Northern Beaches.

We decided to stay a day longer at Sands Of Time because the last few days, had been hot and we decided we would like the air conditioning, and TV for an extra day. But now we are headed for Oregon Inlet Campground.

The problem with staying the extra day at Sands Of Time was that we were arriving to this park, that does not take reservations. Plus we were now arriving on Friday of the big weekend. Joe didn't think people would start to arrive until Friday night. I told him I thought people would arrive earlier. As we pulled into the park at 11:30AM, the park looked pretty full. When Joe came back from registration, we had five sites to pick from. The park was full at 1:30. We gave God All Praise for this site!

We chose site B -7

After dinner we walked Mallery around the park. Joe pointed out how the birds were lined up on the bathroom roof.

I got the picture, just before they took flight!

Our site looks toward the sand dunes toward the ocean. Across the street from our site is a path to the ocean. Like all the other National Park Campgrounds on the Outer Banks, the campground has no hook ups. It cost $20 a day and we do have T- Mobile phone service here. We plan on staying here until Tuesday.

We are on the hill, looking down at the campground.

At the top of the dunes, we have to walk though the sand path, though the dunes, to get to the ocean.

Like most of the beaches on the Outer Banks, you can drive your 4 wheel drive on the beach. You can also have campfires on the beach, until 12PM.

There's my husband waving his arms, so you can see him. We are heading back to our Nest.

At the top of the sand dune again, looking out over our new neighborhood. Lots of families in this neighborhood.


  1. great pictures...we are going to be camp hosting at Oregon inlet campground this summer ..

  2. Zig & Lynn, have fun in Oregon Inlet. We enjoyed ourselves there!

  3. I am taking my three smaller kids there this summer. I can't wait. Any tips?
