Saturday, May 14, 2011

Skinks (not Salamanders) and the Beach With Mallery 5/9/2011 to 5/11/2011

Joe came into the Nest and told me to come out to see something interesting. He said when he first saw it out our window, he thought it was a snake dying.

He said all he could see was this snake like thing going around and around.

But then it flipped over, and he could see it was two salamanders.( After I blogged this, my  sister in law corrected Joe and I, and told us these were broad head skinks, which are lizards with bead scales)

They just went round, 

and round,

and round!

They didn't pay any attention to me as I slowly approached them.

After the round and round and round action, one would flip or both would flip over.

I finally got to about three feet from them,

and could get some really good close up of them.

I didn't know if they were frighting or playing.

If I had to guess, I would say they were playing. (I was also informed that these skinks were mating, not fighting or playing).

Finally one ran off, and the other stood there for a few minutes for this final picture. He then went toward where the other went.


On this day we went back to Emerald Island and walked on the beach for our exercise. Dogs are allowed on the beach on leashes. Mallery is telling me here she wants to go home now so she can play ball.. The temperature was in the low to mid seventies. We didn't need the umbrella. If fact, when the sun went under the clouds, it felt a little cool.

With convincing from Mallery, we headed back up to the car.

I like these nice condo units on the beach.

Good bye Emerald Island.


  1. I got an email from my sister in law, telling us our Salamander was a broad head skink, which are lizards with bead scales, so I will go back into my blog and correct our identification of a salamander.

  2. The skinks are two males (you can tell by the red heads), and they were fighting for territory. It can get pretty rough and serious injuries can occur.

  3. Thank you Anonymous for that info.! I didn't know that.
