Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Currituck Beach Light Station in Corolla, NC 5/30/2011

On our last day at the Outer Banks, we drove to the farthest end of the island to Corolla, NC. We wanted to see the 4th lighthouse on the Outer Banks, and the wild horses ( the #1 attraction on the Outer Banks).

This is the last lighthouse that was built on the Outer Banks.

View of the bottom of the lighthouse from across the yard.

Lighthouse Keepers House, before it was automated in 1939 with electricity. It housed 3 Lighthouse Keeper families.I had brought Mallery on this day trip, because she had stayed home the past two days, and makes such a fuss, every time we leave her. She is a children magnet, and all the kids ask, if they can pet her. Children make Mallery nervous, so her anxiety was raised and she started to pant a lot.( beside being so hot ).

Originally a small Keepers House, a 1870 dwelling moved from the Long Point Lighthouse Station on Currituck Sound in 1920, to here.

Now it serves as a Museum Shop.

View from the Museum Shop. The large Keepers House is to the right and the lighthouse is to the left.

View of the Keepers House from the lighthouse.It is a private resident now.

View into the lighthouse. I didn't go in because I had just been in one on Hatteras Island, and didn't want to spend the $7.00.

After viewing the lighthouse, we found a path to a dock on the sound.

It was in the high nineties this day, so being out in the sun for very long was a bit uncomfortable.

I had to carry Mallery most of the walk , because it was so hot and she was panting so much.

But she does not like to be carried, and wiggles, until I put her down.

Joe was frustrated with me, because he was worried about her, and he didn't want me to bring her on the day trip.  We then drove to the end of Hwy 12 to see about taking a tour out to see the wild horses, where the hwy ends The only way out to the end of the island is by jeep. Unfortunately they said no pets were allowed, so I guess this will have to be another day trip another day. The cost was $49 per adult for a two hour drive.

We stopped at a Taco place for lunch. Right outside the taco shop, was a tent with food for a donation for support of the wild horse's. We decided to eat at the tent, and support the wild horses. There was a band playing, and Mallery was trying to get as far away from the music as she could. She hates loud music. Even though she was in the shade, she was panting the whole time we ate, because the music causes her anxiety. After lunch , Joe got a picture of me and Mallery, in a nearby chair.

I love this chair, because it makes me look smaller! Mallery just wanted to go back to the car.

After putting 100 miles on the Honda going and coming back from the north end of the island, we finally got back home.

After a short rest in our Nest, we decided to walk on the beach, one last time. We were going to walk on the beach in the city of Duck on our way back home, but we could not find a beach access. I had read that dogs were allowed on the beach in Duck without a leash. We were surprised to see so many people still on the beach, being it was late afternoon on Monday, the last day of the big Holiday weekend.

I had to carry Mallery most of the 45 minute walk because she was panting so much, and making a honking noise from her collapsed trachea. It was hard to carry her though, because she wiggles until you put her down.

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