Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Washington DC Day II - Arlington National Cemetery/Ford Theater Gala

We had left the Jefferson Monument, and walked around part of the Tidal Basin to go to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Memorial, since we had just missed the trolley.

I got a great reflection shot of the Washington Monument across the basin on the way to Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial,  also known by his initials, FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945) and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms.

His memorial is very large with many fountains and many quotes inscribed in large stone walls. From FDR's Memorial we walked to the Lincoln Memorial and jumped onto the red line trolley to our next stop.

The red line is the only trolley line, with the Sightseeing Tour, that goes out to the Arlington National Cemetery. We caught the last trolley that would give us just enough time to visit one site at the cemetery. We found out later, you could take the Metro subway there also.

We hustled off the trolley, and roofed it up the hill passed all our brave hero's resting spots.

We had just enough time to get to the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.

We were able to get there just minutes before the Changing of the Guards.

The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, also called the Tomb Of  The Unknowns.

The Tomb of the Unknowns is guarded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and in any weather by Tomb Guard sentinels.

The front of the Tomb says, " Here Rest In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God".

Sentinels, all volunteers, are considered to be the best of the elite 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard), headquartered at Fort Myer, Va.

The guard is changed every thirty minutes, in the summer ( April 1 to September 30 ), and every hour in the winter ( October 1 to March 31 ).

An impeccably uniformed relief commander appears on the plaza to announce the Changing of the Guard.

The relief commander walks out to the Tomb and salutes, then faces the spectators and asks them to stand and stay silent during the ceremony.

 The relief commander and the relieving sentinel meet the retiring sentinel at the center of the matted path in front of the Tomb. All three salute the Unknowns who have been symbolically given the Medal of Honor. 

The newly posted sentinel steps into position on the black mat and begins his watch for the next 30 minutes.

I am sure these Unknown Soldiers are sitting next to our God for their sacrificing LOVE for our America.

Because we had to head down the hill for the last trolley, we didn't get a chance to look around the Memorial Amphitheater or President John F. Kennedy Memorial Eternal Flame.

The trolley took us straight to the down town Welcome Center drop off. We were walking through town to the Metro subway, when we passed the Ford Theater. This is where President Lincoln was assassinated. The street was blocked off around the entrance of the theater, with a crowd around it.We asked a few people what was going on. We were told, the word was out, that the President might be showing up.

A red carpet was out and the police were blocking the street at each end of the block..

People started showing up all dress up, after a bit of a wait.

There were sharp shooters on the roof of the Ford Theater.

I don't know who this women is, but

she and another young man with the dark hair were interviewed by the press for quite some time.

 Richard Dreyfuss showed up with his wife or date.

As they interview Richard Dreyfuss, a limousine pulled up.

Out steps Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

 He gave all of us a big wave.

Cars continue to pull up with the rich and famous.

Next Julie Andrews steps out and gives us a big wave.

Who else but Nancy Pelosi is next out of a car.

And of course we get a wave from her.

This guy being interviewed looks very familiar. Does anyone know who he is?

The cars keep being let in and then they start parking them in front of us. How dare them! Don't they know, we have been waiting a long time to see the President.

Soon we here sirens and the roar of many motorcycles coming closer.

About 10 motorcycle zoom past us and through the white tent, followed by a black car. As soon as the car enters the white tent, they close the tent. We heard through the grapevine, the Vise President came, not the President. We will never know! Someone said this was the Ford's Theater Society Annual Gala Event. This honors Lincoln's legacy through performance.

By the time we headed toward the Metro, I was starved. I had notice people coming out of this yogurt shop, the Frozenyo

It is a self serve frozen yogurt shop that is a buffet of yogurt flavors and toppings. You are charged by the weight. It was really good, and made a great dinner. When in down town DC, I highly recommend it. We didn't get home until 8PM that day.

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