Friday, July 1, 2011

Drive on HWY 28 and 28A though Catskill Mts. & Ashokan Reservoir

Our second day in Accord, NY, we decide to take a drive through the Catskill Mountains.We took Hwy 28, and found that the drive follows the river that flows through them. We never got higher than 1000 ft. You are surrounded by mountains from all sides. We were at 1000 ft at Timothy Lake North Campground. On our way back we stopped at the small town of Phoenicia, NY. It is a very small town. We were out of it, as soon as we got there. Joe went to turn around, and I could see some goats in the pasture down the road.

I had him drive down to them. These are Nubian goats. They have the long floppy ears. These goats have the highest fat content in their milk, compared to other dairy goats. This makes better tasting milk, cheese, yogurts, and ice cream. Most people don't know it, but goats milk is more digestible than cows milk. If you are lactose intolerant, you might be able to drink goats milk with out any problems.

The baby ones are so cute. As we were leaving, a guy who lived at the farms, was in his car and was watching me. As we left, we drove up to him and I asked if he had goats milk for sale. He said, "No, but I'll sell you a goat." I told him I didn't have a place for a goat yet, and we left.

As we headed back, Joe spotted this abandon old diner, along the roadside.

We got back on Hwy 28 to head back, and to stop at a few places we had seen on our way.

We stopped at a place that had all kinds of weird stuff out in front of the store. This is a giraffe.

View from the side.

A guitar.

The store is called Fabulous Furniture, and was established in 1973. This is his soap box derby entry.

It has a cute face. It came in first place in 1998. He said, it shot out fire as it went down the hill.

If you are looking for unusual yard ornaments, this is the place to come to.

An alligator

This one was really cool. Two fins from a car, plus a tire rim and a rear light to make this shuttle.

Another weird car made narrower.

I like the strange looking lady.

Inside he has some very interesting furniture. Too bad we don't have a house. I really liked the green  floor lamp he had. I forgot to take a picture, of it.

Just down the road from Fabulous Furniture were these statues. Joe, got out and looked around. He said it was some kind of historical art institute. Someone needs to get out and do some yard work.

These were up the hill from the building.

As Joe walked back he took a picture of the stream that ran by the historic spot.

While out and about we had stopped at the Catskill Information Center. We had read that early settlers had over removed much of the timber in the mountains. The settlers, then decided to farm the land. The information went on to say, that there were many stone fences through out the area, that were left from that time. The farmers had fenced in their farms with stones. This one looks too nice. It might be a present day reproduction of the past.

When we came to Hwy 28A, we went south until we came to the Ashokan Reservoir.

This road crosses over the dam. It used to be open for cars, but after 911, they closed it for safety reasons.

This reservoir provides 90 % of New York City's water.

As you walk farther on the road, it becomes narrower, and has high cement sides.

A look over tells you why.

 A view of the Catskill Mountains from the dam.

We met a very nice older lady walking on the bridge. We asked her a few questions about the reservoir and dam. She told us the dam was built in the early 1900's. She also told us that there was a town at the bottom of the reservoir. I looked it up and the town was called Brown Station. The filling of the reservoir, also covered some of the community of Olive. Many buildings were moved, but some were abandoned. She said, once it got so dry and low, that she could see the houses and streets. The dam was built to supply water for New York City.

She also told us that no dogs were allowed on the dam. She said if we got caught, we would get a fine. I read several signs, before we walked out on the road, but evidently did not read the right one. We found it when we got back. Oops!

Here is a field with an old stone fence.

The more we looked for them, the more we saw them.

This one is blurry, because I snapped it as we drove by

They are everywhere!

Hope you enjoyed the ride and all the old stone fences.

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