Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Essex Ferry To Vermont

Ferry operating hours are from 6:30am to 9:30pm in Essex, NY., going to Charlotte,VT.

After the ferry was unloaded, it was time for us to board.

The drive on was a breeze after doing this in the Outer Banks.

We say good bye to New York and the Adirondacks,

and hello to Vermont.

We really enjoyed upper state New York.

A view to the south,

and a view to the north. Lake Champlain goes on forever to the north.

One of those mountains is Whiteface Mt., that we had just stood at the top of, the day before.

It was a perfect day in the mid eighties for a boat ride across Lake Champlain.

Looking toward Vermont.

The 20 minute ride across was very quick.

Another ferry passes us going back to Essex, NY

Lake Champlain's maximum length is 125 miles and maximum width is 23 miles.

Lake Champlain is bordered by New York, Vermont, and Canada.

We didn't see a sign for Vermont, but if there was one, I missed it. Vermont is a new state for all three of us. ( Mallery reminded me that she has never been to Vermont either). We took Hwy. 7 to Burlington, VT. In Burlington, we took I- 89 SE.

The Green Mountains run north and south of the state.

The country side consist of 77 % forest, with the rest as meadows, uplands, ponds, lakes, and wetland swamps.

The population of the state of Vermont is 700,000, making it the second smallest in the country, only larger than Wyoming.

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