Thursday, July 28, 2011

Simon Pearce & Taftsville Bridge, VT.

While staying at the KOA in White River Junction, we drove down the road to Quechee, VT. This is the Quechee Covered Bridge.

We found some parking and walked down the street of the very small town of Quechee.

We walked to Simon Pearce.

Front of the building.

Inside, you find a gift shop, with all the glass blown and pottery wares. I liked the way they displayed some of their wares on wood quarters bundled together. Very clever!

After walking around and seeing all the beautiful hand made items,

we went down stairs and watched the glassblowers work their magic.

This guy is making a glass apple.

He added a leaf to the apple, in this picture.

It was really hot in the glassblowing shop, so we stepped outside in the back. The Quechee Bridge is visible from the back side of the Simon Pearce Store & Restaurant.

The shop is powered by the water falls behind them.

We noticed some boys under the bridge, swing from a rope into the river.

You can see the splash of one who just went in, and can see another one getting ready to swing out.

There he goes!. This made me nervous, because I had just read the day before about a place in Hawaii, where there has been 8 drownings at a falls, that tourist jump over. 

Looking back, you can see where the restaurant is located. They have a great view, while dining.

Under the falls, there were three young boys who all just jumped into the falls from above.

Then two decide to pose for a picture.

The boys went behind the falls in this picture.

After cooling off, we went back inside and watched a bit more.

This guy was making a wine glass here.

Here is one of the finished glasses. I was going to buy an apple for a souvenir, but when I found  that  it cost $125.00, I changed my mind. The pottery shop only works on weekends, so we didn't get to watch them work.

As we left, Joe said that when he was seventy, we would eat at a expensive place like that! While I stopped to take a picture, Joe reads a sign ahead.

I am practicing with my camera on my new smartphone.

The bee is flying off here.

We got back to the car, and headed toward Woodstock, VT.

We cross the Taftsville Covered Bridge on the way.

I had Joe pull over, so I could get a few pictures before we continued to Woodstock.

Covered bridges were covered to protect the bridges, not to add to their be.auty

This bridge spans 190 ft long over the Ottauquechee River between Quechee and Woodstock. This is the third oldest covered bridge in Vermont.

To be continued:


  1. Thanks for your beautiful pictures of the Quechee bridge in VT. I was searching the internet for pictures after hearing that the bridge has been washed out due to flooding from Irene.

  2. OMG Do You mean it is gone now?
