Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bar Harbor, Maine

Our 2nd day in Acadia, we went to Bar Harbor to walk around the shopping district. 

We liked Dinks Taxi Restaurant front.

Stewman's Lobster Pound on Frenchman's Bay in Bar Harbor. A very popular and famous restaurant in Bar Harbor.

It was a cloudy and chilly day in the high 60's and low 70's. View out to the Porcupine Islands, from Bar Harbor.

Walkway in Bar Harbor to a small beach and Bar Harbor Inn.

Bar Harbor, ME. has a population of 5,235.

View from Bar Harbor Park overlooking the bay.

I enjoyed walking around all the shops in Bar Harbor. There was one shop that had really unique art work from local artist, that I really enjoyed, but forgot it's name. I tried not to go into all the shops, or we would have been there all day.

Me and Mr. lobster holding our favorite thing. I think I will have to get one after lunch.

We had lunch in central park.

Joe checking out a small  place.

After spending  a couple of hours in downtown Bar Harbor, we drove to Northwest Harbor.

We drove around the neighborhoods admiring the beautiful homes on the bay. We picked up flyer for a home and a guest cottage for sale on the bay. It was for $4,000,000.00. Guess we won't be living here. I like this home, in the picture. It wasn't on the bay, but I liked the style of the home.

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