Monday, August 1, 2011

Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, VT. Part 2

At 3:45, a group of us were out under a tree, hearing the session on, " How to keep sheep". This was a much nicer place to listen to someone, than in any of the buildings or barns. Though I will admit, it was getting later, and it was cooling down some.
This talk, seemed to be more of a question and answer session, than anything else. I was not real impressed with sheep. This sheep had it's own poop all over it's back end. Evidently they poop where they lie.

These are the spring lambs, who have been recently separated from their mother's, to wean them from her milk.

They were upset and kept  saying, bah, bah, bah...

Four lambs wanting their moms.

This one came to the fence and I petted it.

They sure are cute even though they sit in their own poop.

View looking out from the back of the barn.

I did feel sorry for the lambs, because they did not have a bit of shade, and it hit 100 degrees that day. The management needs to build a shelter or plant a tree for that pasture, when the lambs are separated from their moms.

A look at part of the two sheep pens.

At 4:15 we went to the chicken coop for the last session of the day. It was called, "Check out the chickens". There were four kinds of chickens in the coop.

I took a picture of the information of the four different kinds.

This chicken had very fancy feathers on it's legs.

Joe was too hot to sit in the barn that had the chicken coop. He liked the breeze outside better. I think he was just getting tired of it all, and wanted to go home.

The lady who showed us how to make butter, was also the one who talked about the chickens.

This is the Buff Cochins chicken with the fancy feathered legs.

These chickens are not free range, because this is a museum farm.

These chickens are too young to lay eggs, because the museum gets them in the spring and gives them away in the winter to another farm.

A better view of the Buff Cochins legs.

These chickens do not get out of the coop, but at least they have more room than factory raised chickens.
It's been a long hot day! Time to go home.

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