Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Champney Brook Trail, Rocky Gorge, & Lower Falls InThe White Mountains

We continued east on the Kancamagus Highway to the Champney Brook Trail.

The parking lot was full and cars were parked on the highway as well. I told Joe I wanted to do this trail. I like to do trails, where there are lots of people on it. I read you should hike in groups of 4 or more, in bear country. Since there are only two of us, if we hike on heavy traveled trails, I feel better.

We found a parking spot, and walked over to  the trail head. Joe pointed out, the trail was a 2 1/2 hour hike. I responded, " We can do it." 

The brook was definitely dry. Just a trickle of water!

A bridge, even though you really don't need it.

The path was nice and wide and easy at the start.

A look up the brook. We would see other people on the trail every 15 minutes or so. I thought there would have been more people, as crowded as the parking lot was.

The trail turned out to be pretty uneven further up.

The Champney Fall was just a trickle, and not much to look at.

Above the fall was a small pool of water. A lot of people stopped here and turned around, but there had been a fork in the trail below, and we wanted to do the loop.

The trail took us up very steep steps

Then more of the uneven root path.

Before the loop turned back down, we got a little view to make the hike a little more worth it. I wasn't enjoying this hike as much as I usually do, because I kept looking over my shoulder for bears.

The trail down was harder for me than it was up. My left knee, was giving me a lot of pain. By the time we got back to  the car,  I told Joe maybe I bit off more than I should have. There were still a lot of cars in the parking lot. Most of the people must have taken the longer hike.

Our next stop on the Kancamagus Highway was the Rocky Gorge. The gorge was pretty dry also.

The walk to the gorge was very short from the parking lot.

Many people were enjoying the shallow gorge to cool off from the warm weather.

I wished we had skipped the hike and had come here earlier, and had just enjoyed the water.

The day was getting late and we were leaving the next day, so we got back to the car to continue our investigation of the Kancamagus Highway.

Our last stop for the day was the Lower Falls.

The parking lot was completely full. I jumped out of the car, while Joe tried to find a parking spot. The practically dry river exposed huge boulders.

Everyone was enjoying the end of the day at the gorge.

It was party time at the gorge.

Kids were having fun riding the current to the end of the pool.

The current ended into this pool.

It was about 4:30 but people were just hanging out.

A lot of people had brought picnics for a day at the Lower Falls.

I crawled back out of the gorge and found Joe. He had found a parking spot at the very end of the parking  lot.

Kids were climbing on this large boulder.

A rock climber for sure!

It was time to headed back, going west on the Kancamagus Highway toward home in North Woodstock, NH.

The drive back across the pass is only 34.5 miles, but it takes longer because you have to drive a slower speed. You want to get home before dark, as moose start to come out, and you don't want to hit them.

Back home we walked Mallery to the small creek in Maple Haven Campground.

We did and saw a lot on our adventures of the Kancamagus Highway, in the White Mountains, but more adventures were whispering in our ears, further up the road.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you both took in many great walks..glad you got out on the trail.
