Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kezar Lake, Keoka Lake, Lake Pennesseewassee, & Nubian and Lamancha Goats

On our 3rd day in Hanover, Maine, we took a day drive south on Hwy. 35, just south of Bethel. We drove past this small lake or pond. We never saw the name of it. It was a lot longer than it was wide.

Our route took us through the east edge of the White Mountains which are located on the west border of Maine. When we came to this lake, we thought it was Kezar Lake, but someone told us Kezar Lake was farther down the road. This is Keewaydin Lake, a 263 acre lake. Our highway turned from 35 to 5. When we came to North Lovell, we decided to take a road that was on the map around Kezar Lake to the west side. We drove for about 7 miles, and never got a glimpse of the lake. The road also became narrower to the point, it was one lane. We decided it was time to turn around. I would not advise, driving on the west border of the lake. It was a waste of time and gas money. On our way back, a car came down the same road, and I asked him where we should go to see the lake. He told us that there was a place at the SE corner of the lake near an Inn. We never would have seen the lake, except for his information. We have found some lakes are very hard to see, because they are surrounded by private land. After we got home, my research told me that it is called a hidden lake, because you do not see it from the road. Kezar Lake is 2510 acres, and one of the clearest lakes in Maine. There are many New Yorkers who have summer homes on the lake.

With directions in hand we, found the road we needed to turn on, to get to Pleasant Point Inn, and the town's beach. The beach is only for the towns people. It is not a public beach.

I took a couple of pictures, since we went through so much to see this lake.

The White Mountains frame the west views.

The lake is wide and shallow at the south end., and narrow and deep in the north end.The max.depth in the northern end is 155 ft.

The Pleasant Point Inn.

The road that led us to Pleasant Point Inn, also leads you to the town beach.

The inn has a few cottages also.

We continued on our day trip on Hwy. 118 east to the town of Waterford. The town sits on Keoka Lake. Just snapped the picture as we drove by.  We didn't know about this lake until we drove by it. I found from the internet that this lake is 4.5 miles around, and is 460 acres in size with an average depth of 25 feet.

As we continued on Hwy. 118 to the town of Norway, we passed Lake Pennesseewassee. It is also called Norway Lake, because it is located in the town.

This lake in Norway is 5 miles long and 1/2 mile wide.

Our last stop before heading home was off Hwy. 26 near West Paris. I had found another dairy goat provider, that just happened to be on our route. She raises Nubian goats and Lamancha goats.

The Nubian goats have the long floppy ears, and produce a high fat content milk.

A Nubian doe.

The Lamancha goats are ear less or small curled ears, like the two white ones in the above picture. I enjoyed the milk, but I watered it down, because I prefer skim or low fat milk.

Hwy 26 took us back home. We passed North Pond on our right.

We drove around part of it. Joe and I think it looks like a lake, not a pond. I guess I will have to find out what Maine's definitions of a pond is.

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