Friday, August 5, 2011

Newfound Lake, New Hampshire

As we left for our days outing, we drove through the town of Ashland.

In the small town of  2,076 people, they have a statue erected to honor war hero's.

In memory of the soldiers of Ashland in the war 1861-1866. Very impressive for a small town!

First we drove northwest to the town of Plymouth, NH. As we were driving through, Joe spotted a barber shop. We have been moving so much, we have neglected hair cuts. I sat in  the car and talked to my mom while Joe got his hair cut. Then we drove south to Newfound Lake. We found a small beach and had our sack lunches at this spot.

I would love to have one of those homes high on the hill for the view, and then have 30 feet of shoreline below for my dock. I would save money on taxes, and I would get my exercise  going down to the lake.

Newfound Lake is the third largest lake located entirely in New Hampshire. 

After lunch we drove around the lake. We found a home on this lake for sale at $799,900, and taxes of $5,992. I guess we will keep looking.

The lake water is refreshed twice-over annually by underground springs. It also has two rivers that flow into it.

Newfound Lake is 6 miles long, 21/2 miles wide and  has a maximum depth 183 ft. It is a 4,451 acres lake.

At the northwest end of the lake we saw a sign for the Sculptured Rocks. It was only a few miles out of our way, so we headed west toward them.

We followed a group of people from the parking lot toward a trail to a bridge, and looked down.

The reddish tan artifact in the upper right of the picture is my finger. One of my biggest pet peeves of my new smartphone camera, is the location of the lens. It is located on the far left center of the phone and is hard to keep your finger out of it's view.

Then we walked over the other side of the bridge.

It was in the mid eighties and in the middle of the week, but there were a lot of people there anyway.

Joe had a swimming suit in the car, but I didn't so we just watched the people jumping into the water from the rock ledges for a while.

There were a couple of guys who stood on the edge of the rock and did back flips into the water.

It scarred the crap out of me to watch them do that in such a tight spot.

Joe said he would enjoy a swim more if not so many people were around. I agreed, but I think it probably is always like this on a hot day.

We headed back to the car. Here is Joe looking so much better with his hair cut. He has been looking for a cheap hair cut. He went 5 1/2 months with out a cut. He paid $14 for the cut. I'd say that is a cheap cut for all those months.

I cut Mallery's hair a couple of weeks ago, so she is good for another month or so.

My hair has gotten so long, I have to pull it back or wear pigtails to get it off my neck in this hot weather we have been experiencing. I have not been looking for a cheap hair cut, but someone I can trust to do a good job. It is hard to find good chiropractor, beauticians, dentist and doctor on the road, so you tend to go without a lot.

At the northeast of Newfound Lake there was a really calm bay,

with a small island and a home on it.

We like this part of the lake the best. 

As we drove home we stopped at a spring we had seen on our way going to the lake. We refill milk jugs with water at Wal-Mart or any store that has refill machines. We have not been able to find any place lately, so when we saw people filling up their milk jugs here, we decided to stop on our way home.

The sign said Crystal Springs - Open

This sign said drink at your own risk.

We had 7 empty milk jugs in our trunk, so we started filling them up.

This was a first for us! Free spring water.

The side of the water trough where the water emptied into read 1881. We took our water and have been filtering it at home and have been drinking it since. Good tasting water, and neither of us have had any side effects.

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