Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wildcat Mountain ZipRide, Glen Ellis Falls, Covered Bridge Gift Shoppe

Our guide told us there was a museum of the carriages that took passengers up Mt. Washington, beside other things, behind the gift shop in the red barn.
Entrance is free, so we walked back to take a look. Here is one of the first carriages that  took passengers to the summit. Back in that time it was for the rich only to take a fancy stage like this. All the passengers dressed up in their finest clothes to take the trip. We saw old photos of them. They looked like they were going to the opera rather than up a mountain road.

This is a 1918 Pierce Arrow, and is the only surviving, of the fleet of tour cars, that took  passengers up the Auto Road. It carried seven passengers.
We headed back up the road toward home and made a stop at Wildcat Mountain.
We had talked about doing the zipline together here before I found the one back at Loon Mountain. We went into the office to get some information, but the women at the desk said she was not taking any more reservations at this time. She said the weather was looking like it was going to storm, and they were backed up with a line all ready at the top of the zipline.

We went to the ending spot to watch it for maybe a later date. The zipline starts on the other side of the buildings on the hill.
Here are some riders that came toward us.

This zipline is one that has seats that you sit in.It is called a ZipRider.

They are coming in to the ending spot.
The ZipRider hits springs that stop you with a springing motion.
Then they bring steps over, so you can get down from the seat. The heavier guys came down fast, but the light weight  and smaller girls came in a lot slower. Joe was not impressed and said it was just a glorified amusement ride. He did not think it was worth the $20's a ride. It is so hard to get Joe to spend any money. I thought it look fun. It can get up to 45 miles per hour. You can go to on Youtube and watch it.
Next we stopped at Glen Ellis Falls.
The trail takes you under the highway from the parking lot.
It is a relatively short walk to the stream.
There is a small pool , before it goes further down the stream,

 to the top of the falls.
There are a few stairs down to the Glen Ellis Falls.

 The falls are 64 feet. All though information on the internet states, no swimming in the pools, there were swimmers there.
We had seen many people coming back from the falls in wet swimsuits.
We got back on Route 302, and drove west.
Our next stop was at the Covered Bridge Gift Shoppe we had seen on our way to the Auto Road.
The historic Bartlett Covered Bridge, which spans the Saco River, is one of only 53 covered bridges left in New Hampshire. Built in 1850, the bridge is 183 feet long with single span, paddleford type construction.
The bridge was used for 80 years, until it was replaced by the steel one in 1939.
The bridge was bought in 1965, by the resident that lived next to it. She had the 12' x 80' gift shop built inside the bridge.
A look at the Saco River and the replacement steel bridge from the covered bridge.
Looking out from the front door of the gift shop.
The first resident turned her home into an Inn as well as putting in the gift shoppe.
Now it is the Covered Bridge House Bed and Breakfast. The bed & breakfast and covered bridge, is owned by the fourth owner of this historic property.
Back on Highway 302 and heading for home.
I loved the views going home.
 We saw a lot of people park on the highway further down the road. We learned last summer in Yellowstone, when you see people parked on the highway, it's time to pull over for a shot of a wild life.

It was a moose.
Joe said I was the closest person taking a pictures and he was worried if  I could move fast enough if the moose decided to charge. I told him I was hiding behind a tree and would have been safe.
Besides it was just a little one
It was our first moose. We were told they hang out in the shade and swamps until it gets dark. Then they come out on the road at night. They are dangerous, because their eyes do not reflect in the headlights of your car, like deer's eyes do. You do not see them until you hit them.
It was a beautiful day, for a day that was forecast to rain. It rained when we got home. Thank you God , for a beautiful day!

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