Friday, September 16, 2011

Blueberry Pond Campground

We left Phippsburg, ( Bath Area ) and took I-95 down to Freeport, ME. We got off I-95 and took a few side roads heading toward Pownal, ME. We had just exclaimed how the roads had all been good, then we hit a gravel road.

The gravel road was smooth, but it's still gravel.

About a mile or two later we came to our new neighborhood for a two day stay.

We turned left at the sign, and drove down a very wooded one lane road into the park.

Out in the clearing we saw the campground. Thank goodness, we are not in that dark dreary woods.

We pull up to a house where the registration is. Another mom and pop campground.

When Joe got into the office, they told Joe the two night stay was twice what he was told on the phone. He had to stick firm with the lady who was registering him He was told he would get 1/2 price for our Passport America membership. She said the person who registered him on the phone, forgot that it was Labor day weekend, and the pass was not good for the holiday. She kept saying they were full for the weekend. She finally said she would have to go ask her husband, who said to let us have the 1/2 price, but we were not to use our AC. It was a good thing it did not get too hot during our two day stay.

As Joe was inside arguing his case, Mallery and I walked around to photograph the park.

A simple play ground for the kids. I guess it's better than nothing.

A fire pit with chairs near the owners home.

We were given the first site next to the road coming in.

The park is a 40 site park and was pretty empty. It was Thursday, and there was at the most 8 RVs in the whole park.

We had reservations for a park on Sunday, and could not get in until then. We needed to fine a place to stay for 2 nights in this area. We had planned to stay at L.L. Bean's  parking lot Saturday night, before headed further south.

The park is located 4 miles from Freeport ME.

As we left the next day for our days outing, I took a  better picture of the sign.  The only negatives of the park is the dirt and gravel road into the park. Our car was dirty and dusty from front to back, from being pulled in behind the RV. Second, they tried to make us pay a different price than what we were told on the phone. On the positive side, the park is maintained meticulously. But the bathrooms, if you need them, need a little more attention in the cleaning area. 

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