Saturday, September 24, 2011

Perkins Cove, Ogunquit, ME.

After walking the Marginal Way Walkway, we walked around the shopping and restaurant district of Perkins Cove. Joe probably regretted that free parking, he had found earlier.

We first went up on the draw bridge, to get a higher view of the village.

Looking back at the end of the shopping district. We are parked at the very end behind the brown building along the cove. If you are blessed and can find a spot open between the open hours of 10am to 3pm, it is free parking.

Canal coming into the cove.

On the other side of the bridge, there are homes and neighborhood.

View into the cove.

A close up of the cove shows a small waterfall, where there is an inlet of water.

Looking toward the cove and out toward the town .

There was a constant flow of fishing boats coming into a station to drop off their catch and pick up bait.

Here you can see the fisherman hoisting up their lobster/fish catch to the station above.

Joe and I split up for a while, so I wouldn't have someone just following me in the shops. Joe just wandered around the village, while I went in and out of the shops.

There Joe is (to the left in a yellow shirt) up on the bridge, while I was out and about.

This is a picture I took in between shopping, it is a home behind the shops.

Joe also took a picture of the same house, but he spotted someone beside the house sitting and painting.I need Joe's detective eye!

The home sits off from a restaurant cafe.

Bus's come into the cove with tourists.

This bus came in with two shattered windows, when we first arrived at the cove. The passengers were waiting while a company came out to cover the windows for the return home trip.

I couldn't pass up another iconic view/picture of the Maine coast.

This guy paddled in from his boat while a duck followed him in.

These guy's had their dingy so full of their day's catch that I thought it might sink.

A picture that Joe took with the shutter half open. Kind of a neat effect.

Another try of an inside look of a Maine fisherman's boat.

Before we left the cove, I took a picture of this boat someone had painted. We were then off to Ogunquit Beach.

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