Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fourth Day Drive South and Mountain Lake Resort, AL.

We left Scottsboro, AL. for what was to be a very short and non eventful drive to Langston, AL twenty one miles away.

Joe asked an employee at Wal-Mart which direction we needed to go to get to Hwy. 35.We crossed what we thought was Lake Guntersville on Hwy. 35. The employee said it was the Tennessee River.

On our Road Atlas, it is called Lake Guntersville. It is the largest lake (reservoir) in Alabama at 75 miles long and 69,000 acres. The river starts in Knoxsville, TN and ends in the Mississippi River.

Because the navigator was taking pictures, she failed to direct the driver to turn at Hwy. 67 right at the end of the bridge. Instead we took Hwy 35 up a steep mountain. The GPS said we would be turning in three miles, so we continued up. 

At the top of the mountain we came to the town of Section. The town looked like it had fallen on hard times, but do they ever have a great view.

The GPS then had us turn right on Main and then right on Bluff Road.

It felt as though we were headed back , so I checked the GPS to see our elevation. I think while I was taking a picture of the elevation on the GPS I missed another turn.

We continued down the back country road for our next turn.

Next thing I know, we are going down a narrow road that had a sign stating it was a very steep decline.

Needless to say Joe was not very happy with his navigator.

The very narrow road was curvy,

with hair pin turns.

Joe had us in the lowest gear and had to pump our brakes all the way down. Our car also kept hitting and pushing us from behind.

Now that was a very nerve racking 3 miles drive down the mountain. I was so glad to see these beautiful cotton fields at the bottom. 

On the ride down, I was afraid we would burn out our brakes from having to put on the breaks so much to prevent losing control of our rig. I thanked God as soon as we got to the bottom for our safe arrival to the flat lands again.

At the bottom we came to the river/lake.

We crossed a different bridge.

There were a lots of fishermen out in their boats close to the bridge. At the end of the bridge, my GPS told us to go up another hill to the right. At the base of the hill there was a sign that said Mountain Lake Resorts, and pointing to the left. Joe asked what the name was of our resort. I knew it was Mountain Lake something, but I also knew that there was a sister resort with a similar name close by. 

We went with the GPS which took us up another hill to what was definitely not the resort. At the road where the resort was suppose to be according to the GPS, were 4 signs say Private Property, and No Trespassing.

We drove further down the road hoping that the GPS was off just a few miles like it has been in the past.

As we pulled down the road slowly, a lady came out of her mobile home and waved us down. We decided we would have to turn around, so Joe pulled into her driveway, and went up to see what she had to say.

As he talked to her , I called the resort for better directions.

Joe came back with directions from the lady and I had got directions from the resort. We unhooked the car to get turned around. This is a picture of the road we had come down. We were going to take the directions the resort had given me. The lady had given Joe different directions. She had told Joe that we were not an unfamiliar site, because many a RV had come past her place and she had to help them out. Soon her husband pulled into the drive and he suggested we take the route his wife had given Joe. He said it was shorter. I wrote down the directions and drove the car, while  Joe followed me. Half way down the hill, I met a man in a truck coming from the opposite direction. He stopped and ask if we were lost.I told him we had been, but we were put back on the right track. The people up this area seemed very helpful and friendly.

We finally arrive at Ocean Canyon Properties Mountain Lake Resort.

Joe had found this place in a Thousand Trails magazine, after I had told him I wanted to take a different route through the northern part of Alabama.

After registering, the manager drove us around in a golf cart, so we could pick out a site. Joe requested no trees, and I asked for a water front spot. Ask and you shall receive!

Joe picked this resort, because the ad said a two nights stay was free if guest attended a presentation for the Coast to Coast Membership Campgrounds.

After we set up we had lunch.

I just wanted to show you the nice view I had while I ate lunch.

After lunch, I walked Mallery around and took these pictures.

At a water front point looking back at the campground.

Some Canadian geese took flight as I took their picture.

Mallery and I walked out on the dock.

A look back from the end of the dock.

Mallery looking at the water. Maybe she sees her reflection.

The lake had a lot of plant life in it,

which would probably make for great fishing.

A look to the north.

A look across the lake.

A look to the south.

The campground has 200 sites.

By the end of this season, it will have 245 sited, according to the manager.

This campground is very nice and gives free WiFi to all of it's customers. We will be staying here until Thursday, because the next presentation is not until Wednesday. We were given Sunday through Thursday free with all hook ups. Can't beat that for a price. I checked the GPS after arriving here and found out that I had put in Murphy Hill Dr. instead of Murphy Hill Road. I had asked the lady where we had to turn around what her road was called and she told me, Murphy Hill Dr. If you come to this resort, be sure to put Rd in the GPS, instead of Dr.,or you will be meeting the nice lady up on the hill.
As I washed our dishes after dinner, I could see this sunset out our front door.

I grabbed my phone, and went out the door.
I tried to get a close up so you could see the heron in the water searching for food.
I headed back to our Nest.Have a great evening and good night to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane, Joe - if you get a chance go to Red Bay, Al and tour the Tiffin plant, its probably 100 miles west of where you are. Our motorhome is there getting damage repaired. A car ran into us in Michigan. Marc & Brenda
