Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Madalena June's 1st Birthday

We had to be here by Nov. 19 to help celebrate Madalena June's 1st Birthday. Her Birthday is really Nov. 15th, but we didn't celebrate it until the weekend on the 19th.

Alisha and Jamie had decorated the house in Minnie Mouse for Madalena's 1st Birthday.

Maddie's 1st Birthday cake was a huge cupcake.

We had subway sandwiches and chips for lunch, before Maddie opened her presents.

Jamie made this chalk board for chores, and for occasions like this. Hayleah decorated the board for her baby sister's 1st Birthday

Here is my favorite Maggie May!

Maggie May is feeling better these days. She had glaucoma and had to have her eyes removed. It was a very hard decision for my daughter Alisha to make, but I can tell Maggie feels much better now.

This is Maddie's big brother Noah, who is 3 1/2 years old. He is holding a wood sword and ready for a duel.

Lennox my other 3 year old Nana boy came to the party, also.

My oldest Nana girl Hayleah, is 14 going on 15 on December 24th. No, she doesn't have a fish on her head. It  just looks that way.

My oldest daughter Alisha with our Birthday Girl Madalena June.

I am so blessed to have such a adorable Nana baby.

Maddie has no problem opening her presents.

She loves her new chair. As soon as she opened the present, she climbed into the chair by herself!

She also loved her new stroller/tricycle.

When it was time to get her party hat and 1st Birthday sachet on, she let us know it was not her idea of fun.

While we sang Happy Birthday, she was not too happy either.

Mommy gave her a lick of frosting.

She stopped crying,

and soon a smile came back on her face.

After cake, she played on all her new toys,

while the boys played in the back yard.

Noah drives his friend Aden around the back yard in his gator four wheeler,

and Lennox  climbed on the play gym in the back yard.Our weather was perfect when we first arrived, but this week we have been in the mid fifties.


  1. Diane, I'm so glad Alisha posted your blog link on Facebook. Such a nice writing! I miss those girls and wish I could see them more often.


  2. We miss you too Carol!!! And yes- Thank you for posting this Mom, I loved all the photos ;)

  3. Thanks Carol and Alisha. I loved the pictures also!
