Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The County Line and The Alamo, San Antonio, TX.

On our last day in San Antonio, we went back to the River Walk for lunch.

The County Line has a sign in downtown San Antonio, but you have to go down to the River Walk to enter into the restaurant.
We found our way down from the street side to the restaurant.

We asked the waitress if our friend Drew's cousin was in, but he was in the Austin, TX. location.

Darn, we were hoping for a free lunch!  Just kidding! We had looked at the menu and had decided what we were going to order the day before. When our food came, it looked so good that we both dug in and half was gone before I remembered to take a picture.

We shared a platter that had five of their smoked meats, with a choice of two sides. This was a real treat, because we don't eat out much. We are on such a tight budget, that eating out usually means McDonald's, Pizza Hut, or Taco Johns.   The baby back ribs were the best, and if we were to order again, we would order a plate of them. The platter had a huge amount of food for one serving. Joe and I didn't think we could eat it all, but we did!

An antique Coca Cola container is the hostess stand at the entrance.

The awning above the hostess stand is very antique also. I forget what was above the County Line, but I just noticed the guitars on the railing above in this picture.

They have tractor seats as bar stools.

After our yummy lunch, we followed the signs to the Alamo.

Right across the street from this entrance of the Alamo was a Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Shop. We stopped in to shared a medium cup of ice cream for dessert.

If you are coming to the Alamo, Saturday does not look like a good day to come. Luckily, it was not Saturday that day.  I just looked at a pamphlet that I have and it says Saturday hour's are 9: 00 - 5:30, so I am not sure which is right.

Side entrance in.

A peak into the court yard.

The side entrance lead us to the street entrance of the Alamo. No pictures are allowed inside the Shrine.

This is the Long Barrack, which is next to the Shrine of the Alamo.

This was a plant I found inside the courtyard. Does anyone know what it is? The fruit almost looks like a coco bean, but  I don't think they grow here and the coco bean grows on a tree, not a bush.

This is a building inside the court yard that was built in 1936. It is a museum and gift shop.

There is a water canal inside the court yard. It is called the Acequia. The waterway marks the remains of the irrigation systems that supplied the Spanish communities along the San Antonio River.

Large goldfish are in it now.

There are very large Live Oak in the court yard.

A neat big building with the Texas flag outside the court yard.

This wall is not the original wall. But there was a wall around the entire courtyard back in the 1800's.

This is the Alamo Hall. It once was a San Antonio city fire station, but now serves as a meeting hall.

Front side of a private Daughters of the Republic of Texas library.

Another view of the private library with a large Live Oak out front.

Joe standing in front of the  Shrine of the Alamo.

Some close ups of some of the masonry work on it.

Another close up view.

Another of the many beautiful Live Oaks.

Joe waiting for me.

This is another view of the Long Barrack that sits next to the Shrine of the Alamo. The Long Barrack and the Shrine are the only original buildings of the Alamo.

The biggest of all the Live Oaks at the Alamo. It sits in front of the Long Barracks.

The Live Oak in the previous picture was moved when the tree was approximately 40 years old to where it sits now at the Alamo.

The main branches are over fifty feet long.

In the Long Barrack, there is a free film you can watch to learn more about the history of the Alamo.

The Alamo was originally the Mission San Antonio de Valero, with construction that began in 1724..In the 1800's a Spanish military cavalry unit was stationed here. The soldiers referred to it as the Alamo. The Alamo was occupied by the military- Spanish, Rebels, and then Mexican until the Texas Revolution. In December 1835, Texian and Tejano volunteers took over the Alamo after five days of fighting. On February 23, 1836, the General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna arrived with troops of  4 to 6 thousand to take back the Alamo. After 13 days of  fighting, the Alamo was taken over, and all 200 Texian and Tejano volunteer men lost their lives during the siege or from execution. The Alamo is remembered for the ultimate sacrifice the men gave for the price of freedom, even though the odds were overwhelming.. Only the women and children survive. Santa Anna let them go to tell other Texian's what happened.

 This building is called the Shrine and dedicated to the men who fell defending the Alamo.

Another view of the Long Barrack.

 This is the way to learn history.

This is a beautiful building just down from the Alamo.
We are in St. David, AZ. now, and enjoying just chilling for awhile.


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