Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hanging Out On A Beautiful Arizona Day

                                                    February 27, 2012

Joe paid $15 to wash our car and Nest 2. Nest 2 first Joey bath!

It was a beautiful day with mild winds, partly cloudy in the high 70's.

After the Nest was bathed we walked Mallery around the park. I had to takes some pictures because the lighting was as perfect as the day!

The RV Resort next to our park has paved in roads. Mallery asked why we didn't book at the park next door.

We decided to cross the street and walk down a couple blocks to see another RV parked with a golf course.

This park sat right next to some train tracks. I would hate to hear them at night. I hear them at night from our park 2 blocks away.

The Turquoise Hill  RV Resort also has a bar and restaurant.

We walked up the hill to the 10th tee off hole.

The course is a par 3 golf course,

with spectacular views...

We walked back down the hill past the very small 6-8 RV park and back up the street to our park.

We walked through our park, past this lot who have a feeder for the birds, 

and up the street beyond our park in the other direction.

Panoramic view looking toward our park about a block away.

These are the kind of cactus they have in this area.

When we got back home, we notice that a group of people were forming around the park campfire, that is just across the road from our site. It was a, "bring  your hot dogs, buns and chairs, and the smores are provide for free". We didn't have hot dogs and buns, so we stayed home.

Mallery has become very demanding as she ages. She either wants me to play ball ( 3 times a day), give her some food, give her water, or she stands by the door and barks to go outside. That does not include the two pills, two times a day  wrapped in goodies, brushing her teeth once a day, and treats for her trick time. Joe tries to play ball with her, but she will not have it. She know our schedule, and if I take too long, missing any of these events, she sits and looks at me and barks at me every 3 minutes, letting me know I'm off schedule. No wonder I don't get anything done in a day. The day is short when you don't get out of bed until 10:00 and you have a very demanding Yorkie.

At 6:00PM I started to watch for the sun set so I could get a picture out my window to the west.

Goodnight from Benson, AZ. We leave on Wednesday morning for Casa Grande, AZ.

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