Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lasts Days At Styx River In Robertsdale, AL.

      When we left the Wal-Mart in Tallahassee, Florida, things went bad once again. Joe normally checks out his exit plan before we head out for the day. We had got in late the night before and the ball was dropped on finding out which way was the best to exit. The Wal-Mart's exit look normal, so we headed for the exited. The lane took us to a road that said, "wrong way". The only other route was through a McDonald's. I told Joe to go threw McDonald's, even though I could not see where it led to. Joe saw that it was a entrance coming in, but thought we could sneak out quickly. As he pulled on up to the road, a car came in toward us. The car stopped and honked at Joe. Joe lifted up his hands, as saying " I am sorry, I can not back up, please back up for us". The car would not back up and Joe kept gesturing to him to please back up. Finally the guy got out of the car and walked up to our window. Joe explained his blight, and he replied, " I sorry mister, but you can not come out here because there is a medium and you will be heading down a road with three lanes of traffic heading toward you. I don't want you guy's to get in an accident. We could not see the medium where we sat. We thanked him over and over for not moving and letting us get into more of a mess!.It was just another day in the lives of a "Full Time RVer" or Idiots Out Wondering About ( Iowa), as we have been called! We had to get out and unhook the Honda. Then I directed Joe so he could back up, to let the three cars go by that we were now blocking. Lesson for the day, "Know your exit plan from Wal-Mart". Just a note- if we had gone threw McDonald, the route was clear. Men listen to your wives. I had Joe go back to Wal-Mart, as I drove around looking for the best way to get us out and going in the right direction. This was the strangest Wal-Mart exit I had ever seen.

We had a showing of our Southwind, a half  hour after we arrived back in Gulf Shores, AL.  from Florida. The Southwind was parked at Tiffany and Blake's. We left our new Nest at Styx River Resort in Robertsdale, and drove the hour drive into Gulf Shores. The couple said they had to look into financing and would calls us back the next day. The following day we went back to Gulf Shores, from Robertsdale and brought Nest 1 to Styx River Resort where Nest 2 was. With our membership with Ocean Canyon Resorts, our daughters also have free memberships. We reserved a spot at Styx River right next to Nest 2 in Tiffany's name. In this picture Nest 1 looks bigger than Nest 2, but we were parked on a hill with Nest 1 being on higher ground.  Nest 2 was also sitting further back than Nest 1. The Dutch Star is a foot taller and five feet longer than the Southwind. We never dreamed we would own two Motorhomes at the same time!

On Monday we had another couple call to view Nest 1 on Tuesday. The next day they bought Nest 1. From the time we had put our offer in on Nest 2, to the purchase of Nest 1, we  dropped the price $2000 a week. This was our last drop. If it didn't sell, we were going to take it to PPL, a used whole seller of RV's in Houston, TX. PPL told us they could sell it for anywhere from $28000 to $24000. When it was sold they would take 10% of the price. Nest 1 sold  at a better price than if we sold it at PPL for $28000 minus the 10% plus cost  for us to drive it to Houston, and then drive back to Gulf Shores for Nest 2. The people who bought Nest 1 got a good deal, just like we got a good deal on Nest 2. While the couple went to the bank to get the money, the other couple we showed it to on Sunday called wanting to buy it. We had to tell them that the Southwind was sold. The couple wanted to take the Southwind home that day, because they lived about an hour away. We had not transferred all our stuff yet, so we had to tell them they could not have it until the next day. We agreed on Wednesday for the pick up. As soon as they left, we hit high gear and started the move. Thank goodness, I had clean Nest 2 in Florida, and it was ready for the move. We worked into the night and got most of the inside stuff in that day. People just don't realize how much full timers can pack in a motor home. The next day it rained all day. I had to hold an umbrella over the stuff Joe was carrying from the basement of Nest 1 to our new basement compartments in Nest 2. After awhile we realized we could put out the awning and that helped some. Joe was unable to organize, and was just stuffing things into where ever things fit. When we bought Nest 2, Joe said Nest 1 had more storage. I said I thought they were about equal. Joe was right! We gave our daughters some stuff and took the rest to Salvation Army. Styx River Resort has a flee market every Saturday morning, so Joe sold $100 worth of stuff also. We needed to clean and unclutter the Nest anyway. We knew the Southwind had a lot  of storage. That is one reason it took us so long to make the switch. 
Because of the rain, we had to call the new owners of the Southwind and tell them it would not be ready until the next day. On Friday we watched  Nest 1 leave with her new family! We wondered if we would ever see her on the road some day!
That weekend the kids came out to Styx River Resort in Robertsdale for another pool party. 

This was Lennox's first time at the resort and in a pool since the last time we were in Gulf Shores. He was a bit hesitant about the pool.

He laughed as his Papa splashed him.

Hayleah came also. We got to enjoy her presence, because she was grounded for getting into trouble. I kind of like it when she is grounded. I see a lot more of her.

Jamie was teaching Noah how to swim. Jamie will be leaving on February 14 for training and then to Afghanistan for a contract job. Depending on how it goes, he will be there for a year., with a break to come home in 6 month for a few weeks. Noah is a real daddy's boy, so we are all wondering how he is going to handle it. Prayers for Jamie, Alisha, and the kids during this stressful time, are much appreciated.

My handsome husband with my granddaughter and daughter in the distant.

Joe really took good care of Lennox while he was in the pool.
"Look mom, no Papa"
When Joe took Lennox in the deep end, I had to supervisor.

Joe trying to get Lennox to float on his back.

Lennox was not so sure about that.

Alisha and Noah.

Lennox finally get his feet at the top of the water.

Noah loved to run in the shallow area. He just kept forgetting to keep his mouth closed and took too much water in. We always knew when he got too much water. His eyes got real big and then he started to choke. We all kepted telling him to keep his mouth closed.

I will miss my beautiful Nana kids. It will be another 9 months until I see them again. Below is a video of  our load crew.
On Wednesday February the 8th we left our family and Styx River Resort for our next journey to the west.

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