Monday, March 19, 2012

Lake Havasu City, AZ.

                                      Thursday 3/15/2012
On our second day in Bullhead City, we decided to drive back to Lake Havasu in the Honda.

I took a couple pictures from our patio again, because the sun was behind me, and I could get better pictures in the morning.

Ridgeview RV Resort is a very big campground. There are 302  sites in this park.

The road out in the distance will be what we take when we leave. Bullhead City sits in the bottom of a bowl. No matter which way we go, we will have to go up a mountain to get out of this city.

The parking is free outside the London Bridge and English Village entrance. This gate section was brought over from London England.

Did I say we were going to Lake Havasu City. Sorry I meant to say we were going to the city of London.

An information center is located just inside the gate next to the fountain.

So this is the London Bridge. This bridge was originally over the Thames River in London England. In  1967 the Common Council of the City of London placed the London Bridge on the market, because it needed to be replaced.

We started to walk in one of the directions of the channel. There are lots of rentable water toys if you want to spend money.

A look back at the London Bridge. In 1968 the winning bid for the bridge was made by  Robert P. McCulloch for $2,460,000. Each block was numbered as it was disassembled, then shipped overseas through the Panama Canal to California. Once in California it was trucked to Lake Havasu City.

The building ahead in this picture is the London Bridge Resort.

The female duck was very busy eating off the bottom of the channel.

Just like a women- loving her food.

We soon discovered Spring Break was going on in this area this week. The girl in the two piece had a large snake around her neck.

Joe said I was suppose to be taking pictures of the bridge, not the girl with the snake, so I turned around and took another shot of the London Bridge. The London Bridge has become the second biggest attraction in Arizona, second only to the Grand Canyon.

I turned back around and continued to walk along the channel.

Joe is questioning me why we are heading into the spring break crowd.

I told him cuz I wanted to. Besides there were other old folks there too. Look at all those young people dancing on that small boat. Hey this is cheap entertainment!

When I took this picture, I was just trying to show how many spring breakers there were. After uploading the picture I noticed the young lady in the lower left hand corner with just her pasties on!

As we past the spring breakers, I said to Joe, if we had not gone through the spring breakers we would not have seen how far the channel walk was.

The boats just kept pulling in one after another into the channel.

On the other side of the channel is a beach and swimming area, as well as a park for the kidos.

Farther down the walk was a double decker boat with more party animals.

At this end of the walk was a radio car track with several guys racing their cars.

Live your dreams through radio control.

This side of the walk also had a beach and swimming area.

There are 20 lighthouses 1/3 the size of actual lighthouses in Lake Havasu City that are navigational beacons for boaters on Lake Havasu. There is one that is a normal size making 21 lighthouses in the city.

We head back to go the other direction.

The channel is called the Bridgewater Channel.

We had to walk past the party animals first though, before we can walk the other direction of the bridge. These sights remind me of some of the stories I heard Joe tell me about in his old boating years. I grew up in a small town and never experience water/boating parties.

A great view of the London Bridge. You can take a 45 minute guided walking tour to learn more about the bridge. For more information of the tour, stop at the Visitor Center inside the main gate.

Bathing beauties everywhere. I don't know why Joe didn't want to walk through here.

The water is very clear in the channel.

We walk back past the London Bridge Resort.

We get back under the bridge where there is someone feeding the ducks.

One last look back at the party, channel, and mountains from the other side of the bridge.

Now we are walking on the other side of the bridge. Not much was going on, on this side. Boat tours were departing on this side though. A lot of the business along this side were closed.

It was in the high eighties that day so we found a shady spot.

A couple of oldies playing with a smart phone!

Joe looking at a brochure to find a place to eat lunch.

The only restaurant we could find on the channel was this place.

The " Jersey Grill". We got a quick late lunch before we left the Bridgewater Channel.

Two of the four lions around the fountain pool.

The Bridgewater Channel is located between an island and the mainland of Lake Havasu City. At the end of the island we looked out at Lake Havasu.

I turn to my right, "snap".

A turn to my right again, "snap". Lake Havasu City out in the distance.

A turn to my right again, "snap". A RV park to the center and right.

As we head toward the London Bridge to leave the island, I take another picture.

We cross the London Bridge.

The sign says it all!
A painted invitation into the city,
with murals of the city.

One of the murals of the London Bridge and Bridgewater Channel we visited that day.

On the way home we took another route, "The Historic Route 66".

The drive was very beautiful and you felt you were the only ones out there with nature.

This route takes you past the town of Oatman, AZ..

We didn't have time to stop that day because the sun was setting fast, but I had to stop for a moment when I saw some burro's walking along the road. The minute I stopped, they came over to the car, as I started to roll the window half way up or her face would have been in mine.

I told them we would see them the next day, as we had planned on visiting Oatman the next day.

We continued up the road. Joe said he thought maybe we were going the wrong way. He was navigating, because I was giving him a break from driving. I told him I thought we were going the right way, and continued up the mountain. I noticed the gas gauge read near empty and mention it to Joe.

We came to Sitgreaves Pass at 3550 feet. At the top I stopped and got out to take a look. 

If Joe had been driving, we would have drove right to the top and on down the mountain side. We saw Bullhead City below,  and Joe took the wheel because he said he didn't like the way I was driving. He said I was gunning the engine and then braking all the time. I told him I was doing that because I saw the sun setting fast and was trying to get up and down off the mountain before dark. The roads at the top had switch backs, so I needed to brake at the curves.

After we got to the bottom of the mountain, the few miles became many more than we thought. I turned the GPS on, and put our home address in, and realized we were headed the wrong way. We were on our way to Kingman, AZ. By then it was too late to turn around. We drove into Kingman and got some gas. We then took hwy. 68 back to Bullhead City. I asked Joe why he didn't check the GPS while he was navigating, and he said he wasn't a good navigator and forgot. He asked why I didn't remind him to check it, and I said I was driving and didn't think about it because I was driving. The last 14 miles on Hwy. 68  to Bullhead City was a six percent grade all the way down to the city. During all our travels, I don't ever remember a 6% grade lasting that many miles going down. It seemed forever going down.
We didn't get home until 9PM that night. I guess our short cut ended up being a long cut instead. Just one of the many adventures of  full timer Rvers! After dinner we enjoyed our bedroom view and were glad to be home.  Mallery was glad we finally got home too.

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