Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More Of Charleston Peak RV Resort in Pahrump, NV

3/24/2012 to 3/27/2012
I wanted to show you around some more of Charleston Peak RV Resort.

The pool sits next to the office and Club House.

The pool has a nice shaded area for those who don't want to get too much sun.

The pool is not to big, but very clean. They roll out a cover over it every night.

You have great views as you sit next to the pool.

Behind the pool is a grass area where they have picnic tables, hammock swing and benches and a stage area to have bands play. The first night we were here there were a group of people sitting around the stage listening to some guys playing instruments and singing.

The pool area also has a jacuzzi, but the yellow sign says no water shoes allowed in the hot tub.

The Club house is small but very nice with two pool tables and a bar.

You can go from the Club House into the office, but don't be a dummy like me, and come in and stand behind the office counter like you work there. The office has information, like who they recommend for veterinarian's and chiropractors.

Outside the office they have a hitching post,

for your pooches! ( Hint: the white canvas on the wagon says," Waggin Tails")

We haven't done any sight seeing yet, because we have had to do other stuff. Joe had to finish taxes, and call Canon for help for our new camera. He pulled a boo boo like Diane did when she didn't read directions on how to use the washer and dryer. He didn't read directions and realized he should have. When he did read them, it told him not to do something he had just done, or it could cause major problems. Which it did. Luckily the Canon representative was able to help him out after about 45 minutes on the phone.

Mallery has been acting like a wild women ever since I gave her this toy with a treat stuffed in it.

She ate what was sticking out of it, but she could not get out the rest, so she had been guarding it morning to night.

Joe was trying out our new camera, in these next shots.

He was also tormenting Mallery, with her prize. She jumped up next to me, hoping I would help her protect her prize.

She gave Joe the evil eye telling him stay away or else.

She wouldn't eat, play ball, and when she went out to do business she took her prize.

She laid down close to it for a minute,

and Joe starts to come close. She raised her head and gave him a warning growl to back off.

One morning Joe told me to look out the window. We had got snow on the mountains through the night.

It was a bit chilly that morning, but I was still wearing shorts.

View on one of our walks with Mallery on our street.

Almost to our Nest.

I went to a chiropractor again today and probably will see him again before we leave. I have been having some neck problems because I haven't  had enough adjustments lately.

We also have been spending this week getting things ordered like medicines, and supplements and what not. If anyone would ask me what was the worst part of full-timing in an RV, the answer would be the constant trying to figure out when and were to have things that you order sent to. When you take a ton of supplements like I do, it is kind of a full time job maintaining your inventory so you do not run out of them. We also spend a lot of time trying to figure out our travel route and resort  reservations about two months out. These are just some of the things that go on in the back scenes of full-time RVing.
These pictures of the new snow on our back yard mountains were taken, late morning. By late afternoon the snow was gone.

A couple of days ago we had a very windy day. You can see how strong the wind was by the direction the tree branches were bending. It was in the low 70's, but felt more like the low 60's. Meanwhile Iowa was having 80's that day.
Monday I woke up and told Joe I though Mallery was having hot flashes because there were two wet spots on the bed where she had been laying. After further investigating, I realized she had wet the bed. I had to wash all the sheets, blanket, and bedspread that day. That night we put her in her kennel. She never cried when I put her in it, when I went to bed. At 3:00AM she barked. I got up and took her out to go to the bathroom. When we came back in, she was already in bed with Joe. I felt sorry for her so I let her sleep with us. I figured we would be up in five hours, and she would be fine. I woke up feeling a wet spot at my foot. I looked down and Mallery was still sleeping in her wet spot. I have an appointment for Mallery to see a Veterinarian on Thursday. She needs to have another booster shot for Leptospirosis. I am also going to see if she has an urinary infection going on.

In the mean time I bought some baby pampers size 1, zero to 14 lbs for the night time.

I cut a hole in the pamper for her tail.

" Mom this is embarrassing, quit taking my picture!"


  1. How did u end up behind the counter in the clubhouse?

    1. There is a door from the club house into the office. I didn't realize that when you go through that doorway, you need to go around to the other side of the counter. I was being a air head and thinking about something else while I was waiting to be help. The office lady was helping someone else at the time, as I stood behind the office desk.
