Wednesday, March 21, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Saturday 3/17/2012

The Big Bash at Ridgeview RV Resort was held on St Patrick's Day to end the season for the Sunshine members. Since we are not Sunshine members we had to pay $5 each for  breakfast and dinner. For breakfast we had pancakes and sausage, and for dinner we had fried chicken, potato salad, and bake beans. Tip to any new visitor, be sure to get there early, or your food will be cold. Dinner was to be served from 4:30 to 6:00. We got there at 5:30 and everything was cold. Seniors eat early, so be early or you miss out on hot food.

St. Patty Joe said he still enjoyed it because where can you get two meals for $5.00 a person. I was not as thrilled with the meals. Too processed for me! ( dinner was brought in from some fast food restaurant).

As we left the club house it started to rain. (I took this picture as we entered for dinner). By the time we got back to the Nest we both were drenched from head to toe. We had to strip down and throw our cloths into the dryer. This area only gets 4 inches of rain a year, and it decides to pour on us as we left from dinner.

We were going to go to the casino's after dinner, but because we were drenched rats, we decided to just stay home.

Joe picked up the camera to take these pictures. He thought Mallery looked cute being the mama's girl that she is.
                                                           Sunday 3/18/2012

The next day was terribly cold. We had temperatures in the low 50's with high winds and rain, while Iowa was having beautiful 80's. For once we were in the wrong place.

We headed to Laughlin, NV. just across the Colorado River.

We drove up the strip to see what we had to pick from.

Harrah's is at the top of the hill at the end of the strip.

We turned around and headed back down the hill.

Look at that rain in the distances.

A hole in the clouds shows the sun is trying to break through.

Joe chose the Colorado Belle, because one of his card friends back in Ehrenberger, said this was his favorite casino in Laughlin.

When we walked into the entrance, the cigarette smoke about knock me over. I can not handle strong smells like perfumes, candles and smoke. It gives me an instant headache.

We asked the security man where I could go to sit and use my computer where smoking was not allowed. He told me to go to the hall between the casinos.  Joe and I found the hall and I got set up. It still smelled a bit of smoke, but much better. Joe left to gamble as I uploaded some pictures.

My view out my window was out to the back patio and River Walk behind the casino's.

This is mote that surrounds the Belle with Koi fish.

There was a band playing on the back patio.

Joe and I couldn't believe there was so many people out there. They must of had enough alcohol to keep them warm or they were dancing to stay warm.

After a couple of hours and $20 down Joe came back. I took this last picture from the patio looking across toward Bullhead City.

As we walked Mallery around the park , I took a couple more pictures of us on the hill in Ridgeview RV Resort.
This is a picture up the hill from our Nest.

We thought maybe the views would be better up the hill from us, but after going further up the hill, we could see we had a better view. We could see the city better from our site. I felt we had one of the best sites in the park.

Joe didn't like the pictures I took out our bedroom window, so he decided he would try to get a better pictures. This is a closer up picture than what I took, so it shows the casino's better, but it still does not show all the city lights.

He finally conceded, it just was not possible to get a picture of what the eye can see with my smart phone.

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