Thursday, April 5, 2012

Death Valley, Zabriskie Point

Thursday 3/29/2012

I left you in my last blog going down Hwy.190 to
Zabriskie Point in Death Valley.
We got parked and had lunch in the car, then headed up the path hill after reading the information board.

View from the top of the hill.

A look out toward the valley.

In a close up view,  you can see one of the trails with some people walking on it. There are 3 to 4 trails that leave this point. 

As you can see it has warmed up since we came down about 4000 feet from Dantes View, by the way we are dressed.

Zabriskie Point is known for it's erosion.

Zabriskie Point was just amazing!

It's a mini Badlands!

One of the path takes you up to the point out on the peach and brown mountain .

It made Joe and I nervous just watching them walk out to the point. That path was not for us!

The trails are from from 1/2 mile to 3 miles long.

Zabriskie Point is composed of sediments from Furnace Creek Lake, which dried up 5 million years ago — long before Death Valley came into existence. 

I wanted to go on one of the trails, but Joe said we didn't have time. I had my new hiking shoes on that I bought last summer at LL Beans. But I guess it would not be a good idea since I was breaking them in for the first time.

View of some of the paths, people have walked on.

Looking toward  Hwy. 190 and watching a father and two children on one of the paths below.  This was my favorite stop in Death Valley

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