Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mojave, California to Sun & Fun R.V. Park Tulare, California

                                    Friday 4/6/2012

We left Mojave, CA. Thankfully the winds were a lot less than the day before.
Back on Hwy.58 and heading toward the tail end of the Sierra Nevada Range. Nice to see some green on the mountains.

More windmills!

And more with Joshua Trees below.

Still more!

Still more with green mountains now. Joe and I both agreed, we like visiting the desert, but we have to live where there are more trees and green.

The change from brown mountains to green mountains was like immediate when we cross over a foothill.

The green gets greener.

I wouldn't mind having that home up on the top of the foothill.
This was the start of a very, very, very, long down hill drive.
Greener still!. Wouldn't mind that home either, except on windy days.
The train tracks go through the side of the mountain.
That home might be better, because it is just below the top of the foothill. That way you would have the views, but some wind protection too.
Unusual foothill.
Now for 3 miles at a 6% grade. Joe and I were enjoying our Jake brake on this drive.
We finally came to a short sorta flat spot before going down again.

Then we hit another treeless green area.

Joe said he thinks this has to be one of the longest down hill streachs, miles wise, we have been on.
View while still on our downhill drive.
Once down the foothills, we see vineyards and orange groves like you see corn fields in Iowa.
Fresh oranges from California.
Our next backyard was Tulare, CA., just north of Bakersfield, CA.
View of the Sierra Nevada's to the east of Tulare,CA. Our drive from Majave, CA. to Tulare, CA. was 125 miles.
We chose this park because we could use our Passport America membership there. We buy an annual passport membership, because it always pays for itself after a few park visits, then it's savings there after.
We had planned on staying there for just three days because that was the number of days allowed at that park at the 1/2 rate price. All parks that participate with Passport America have different restrictions.
The first three days we were there, the weather was perfect.
Our view of the Sierra Nevada's out our front window.
I zoomed in so you could see them better.
Mallery really liked it there. This was the first place that had grass since San Antonio, Texas. She had her own private strip of grass right out her front door.
She decided to use her grass yard just for the picture. Joe enjoyed having a concrete pad to park on and patio space instead of the usual grass or gravel found in most parks we stay at.
The office gave Joe and I each an Easter egg since we were there for Easter Day weekend. After we ate the chocolates out of them, I put one of Mallery's treats in an egg.
She rolled and rolled her egg around, but couldn't figure out how to get to her treat.
She finally figured out how to open it when I went to reach for the egg. She put her paw on it and tried to bite it, to pick it up, so I couldn't get it, and it popped open. I put another treat in it to see if she would remember how to open it, but she didn't. By the third treat, she had it figured out.

After all that work, she needed a nap.

She has finally got use to the leather couch. It spooked her when we first got it, when she jumped onto it, because she slid when she landed. While we were in Pahrump, I took Mallery to a vet for her bed wetting problem. Because we couldn't catch a urine sample, the vet just put Mallery on antibiotics. She has not wet her diaper since. I still put a diaper on her every night, because I have a package of 40 and I don't want to take a chance of having to wash the bedspread, blankets and sheets again. I do have a washer and dryer now, but it is really small, and the bedspread does not fit in it. Plus I have to wash each sheet separate if I don't want them a wrinkled mess. The washer and dryer is great for under ware and small loads. I usually do daily or every other day small loads.

Mallery misses looking out the window above the coach. She can not balance herself on the leather coach top. But she really loves her floor window under the table.
When Joe is making dinner, she always stands by the kitchen counter and waits for Joe to accidently drop a tidbit or two.

She always wants to play ball, but not when Joe is fixing dinner or lunch.

When Joe does drop something, she is on it like a mouse trap.

Joe was not dropping anything that day, so I told Mallery to "sleep". One of her many tricks for a treat.
She also knows how to roll for a treat.
Mallery finishing her roll.

On the following Monday, we had planned to drive up to Three Rivers, CA. just outside of the Sequoia National Park, but rain was forcasted for 1 to 2 days. On Monday Joe went to the office and asked if we could get another night at the discount rate. The lady said she normally does not do that, but she would for one night, but not to expect it again in the future. That Monday it poured cats and dogs. There was even a tornado watch out. The next day, Tuesday, the forecast was for more rain and cold weather. We decided to stay two more nights. Joe went to the office to pay for a couple more nights at the full rate. We were Blessed with two more nights at the discounted rate.Why, because we are Blessed! During those extra days I shopped for a new computer, because my Dell had been infected with a virus. I plan on having my Dell fixed sometime so I have a backup labtop. We really enjoyed our stay at Sun & Fun RV Park. It is a small park, but very clean with paved in roads and paved RV lots.. It is located close to shopping and lots of stores in Tulare and the nearby town of Visalia. It's a good stopping area before going to the nearby national parks.

1 comment:

  1. Those photos are stunning! The RV Park you went to is beautiful. It's so nice to see the grass, and the wonderful amenities. I'm glad the weather cooperated during your first three days. I bet you guys had a wonderful time. :)
