Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hume Lake, Sequoia National Forest, CA.

After seeing General Grant Grove, we headed toward Hume Lake.

Anyone guess what this picture is of?

After a few miles going east on Hwy. 180 we saw another sign directing us to turn right to Hume Lake. We came to a pullout where there were other cars. I watched people coming up a hill from down below, huffing and puffing. I got the camera, and headed down the hill. 

This is the view I got after I went down the hill. I was impressed!

View more to the left.

Close up of the mountains.

Then I had to climb back up the hill. It doesn't look much like a hill, but it was very, very steep. Even though it is a fairly short path, I was huffing and puffing when I reached the top.

We reached the Hume Lake Recreation Area of  the Sequoia National Forest.

A view to the left,

and then to the right.  We could see some buildings to the right, so we decided to drive to it and check it out.

As we drove in we found out it was a Christian Camp.

In 1909 the Hume Lake Dam was finished, and a town sprang up from jobs of logging business. Logs were sent down a 72 mile long flume to the central valley.  In 1935, Hume Lake and 20,000 acres of land were sold to the United States Forest Service. We think this might have been the start of the flume.

I liked the sign I found in the camp.

Looking up into moss lined branches.

Another sign in the camp.

The bank was lined with row boats

The swimming pool

Chair on the banks of the lake.

View from the chairs.

Hume Lake Christain Camps.

Ponderosa Chapel- Joe and I would have like coming here for camp, when we were young!

As we left, we stopped at another viewing spot on the way back up.

Hume Lake from above.

A view of the roads Joe was having to drive on,

and the views I was getting as he drove! To be continued:


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