Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lake Tahoe, CA. Day 1

Saturday 5/12/2012

Our second day in South Lake Tahoe, we drove the Honda back up the mountain we had come down the day before.

There were three pull outs that we couldn't stop at with the motorhome pulling the Honda on the way down.

We wanted to get another view of what we saw on the fly!

Joe holding up the car!

As you can see, there are guard rails, but when you are sitting up so high, in a motorhome, they don't make you feel much better!

Close up of previous picture.

Airport in the distance in to the right.

The valley south of Lake Tahoe.

The prettiest lake I have every seen!

Mountain across the valley from where we stood.

Heading back down the mountain.

On the way home, we stopped at a flea market. But not much there that interested either of us. Joe couldn't beleive we had to pay a dollar each just to look around. Like paying to go to a garage sale.

Looks like a forest fire went through the hill in picture.

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