Sunday, May 20, 2012

Old Sacramento Historic District

                                    Tuesday 5/8/2012

                            We got up early again, and had the Nest ready to go into the shop by 8AM again!

We decided to go to Old Sacramento Historic District, while they worked on our motor home.

This building is where miners would come, if they found gold. A man named Lauriet Assey would examine the gold to determine if it was true gold or not.

Old Sacramento Historic District is lined with wood planked sidewalks with covered porches.

Ton's of little shops to explore, but I had a husband along, and that doesn't work real well! Wish I could leave him at home sometimes.

Most of the buildings are from 1850 to 1880. The town was established because of the gold rush.

Today Old Sacramento is a Historic State Park.

The Old Sacramento was built on the lower Sacramento River. Here Joe was checking out the old steerwheel riverboat called the Delta King, now use as a hotel, restaurant, and theater. Old Sacramento was established here because it was a good port that had waterways to San Francisco.

Old train station next to the river. Looking up the railroad track.

Looking down the railroad track.

You can see the new downtown, from Old Sacramento.

Old Schoolhouse Museum in Old Sacramento, and the top of Tower Bridge.
I enjoyed the architecture of all the old buildings, since I could do much shopping.

Joe and Mallery standing in front of the Theodore Judah Monument. Judah was a railroad engineer who dreamed and helped get established the first Transcontinental Railroad.

The historic park attracts over 5 million visitors annually.

The oldest remaining firehouse in Sacramento.

By 1960 this district had fallen into disrepair. It was turned into a Historical State Park and many buildings were reconstructed, moved, or demolished.

Sidewalk that leads you to the new downtown Sacramento.

Many festivals and events are held here annually.

This Mexican Restaurant looked like a good place to eat at.

It is the La Terraza.

Two guys road up on their bikes. This fancy bike had some kind of air ride like our motorhome have. After he parked he held a button down and let the air out and the rear end of the bike lowered down about 5 inches.

Pioneer Park is where an old four story brick building used to stand that was beyond repair. They tore the building down and made this park.

It is now a Historical Informational Park. In the park are various pieces of other old buildings showing you the architecture designs of the time

Oops, I forgot to get Mallery and her stroller out of the picture.

The Tower Bridge going over the Sacramento River. In 2002 the bridge was painted gold. For years it was painted silver, which some complained, caused a glare off the bridge. The color has and still is a source of controversy in the city.

We decided to have lunch at the In-N-Out. Our new neighbors at Cummis told us they had real good burgers. Because we were feeling less rich, we decided this would be better than the Mexican restaurant in Old Sacramento. One suggestion if you decide to eat at the In-N-Out, if you are use to the double cheese burgers at McDonald's as we are, don't order a double cheese burger here. We did and they are huge. We should have ordered just a single cheeseburger, which would be comparable to the double cheeseburger at McDonald's. They were very good, and I would recommend them. Their burgers come with lettuce, onion, and tomato's also.

We arrive back to Cummis, and found our Nest still up in the air. I will let Joe tell you what they told us.

They told us that they had hooked up a separate fuel line from a barrel of fuel. They ran the motor on the dynometer and it ran fine. Now they knew the problem was definitely in the fuel flow system and had nothing to do with the motor itself. They rechecked the fuel lines, looking for anything out of the ordinary but found nothing. It was now 2PM and they recommended removing the intake fuel pump and checking it for restrictions. They said they would not be able to complete the job before quiting time and once they started the job we would not be able to stay in our home. Not wanting to have to go to a motel for the night we elected to wait till the next day to have them work on it again. 

We left and went to Starbucks, which is only a few blocks away, (our internet air card had a very weak signal there even though we were in a big city?) until they were finished with our Nest. 

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