Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cakebread & Beringer Winery

Thursday 5/31/2012

A new day, a new adventure. Today we decided to take the long interstate way into the Napa Valley, I (its me again), was burnt out on those windy roads across the mountains.

Hwy. 29 is one of the two main roads that runs north and south threw the Napa Valley area.

As we come into Napa, we see the wine train heading out of town into the wine country. Can't tell you much but I think this train stops a many winery's, that way you can drink without driving until you get off the train.

Our new friends at the campground said to come to this winery because the wine is soooo good. We called ahead as their brochure suggested reservations.

This place had a lot different appearance than our last winery we visited. We were taken on a short tour and then the sampling. I for one was not that impressed. We paid $15 for one tasting and we shared. Typical LaFontaine. I'm glad we did. I guess we don't have the $40 a bottle taste buds out friends have. Diane does not like dry wines, which includes red and some white wines. I drank the red samples and Diane drank the white samples. A lot of the white wines were too dry, so she gave them to me.


We drove through Yountville, Rutherford and than into St. Helena. ( All towns ion the Napa Valley area). St Helena is a very cute town and Diane would have like to shop  and spend some time there. Maybe another day!

Now this place looks more to my liking. Give me an old Victorian look over modern any day.

The mansion is called the Rhine House because it was built to recall the family of their home on the Rhine in Germany.

Quite the entryway. I was happy to find out that the house is open and is used as a gift and wine shop and a tasting room.

As you can see the old stained glass is out of this world. Did I mention that this is the Beringer Winery. Beringer wine can be found in most stores across the country.

Now you know why the B in the glass.

Almost all the windows had stained glass.  Really nice. The mansion was built in 1884 at a cost of $28,000, with 1/4 of the cost going toward the stain glass windows.

All the walnut wood and stained glass really makes for an expensive look. I think I liked this place better then yesterdays Castle.

Great outdoor porch to drink your wine on.

Nice manicured grounds outside in the garden/patio area.

Behind the house and up a small incline is the winery itself with more tasting rooms and gift/food shops. Plenty of  outside area to relax and sip some wine.

Back on the road (didn't sample their wine, I'm tired of paying $15 or more for a few sips.)

We passed by this antique shop that was having sidewalk sale. So we turned around and came back. These planters would look nice outside our nest, but where to store them when we move?

The Visitors Bureau told us about this winery. 

I am impressed with their driveway.

The winery actually sits high upon a hill and you take this gondola up there. Unfortunately there was a big line waiting to go up and it cost $25 per person. We decided to skip it.

At the top end of the Napa Valley is the town of Calistoga. We passed through this town as we made our way to the other main road that travels north and south in the valley, and headed south toward I-80. This road is suppose to be the less congested route and more scenic. Diane also liked the looks of Calistoga would have liked to been able to spend more time. Maybe another day!

We past some hot springs baths. Diane would have liked to have been able to try out the hot springs mud baths, but just too little time with too much to do!

This is a view of the vineyards from  Silverado Trails the other main road in the valley.

This is a great picture Diane took on the fly showing vineyard after vineyard.

This is an old vineyard but I don't remember the name.

Views as we get close to I-80, south of Napa Valley.

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