Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our Davis Cabinet Surprise When We Arrive Back To Junction City

Thursday 7/12/2012

We were anxious to get back to Nest 2, to see our new custom cabinets, after spending two days away on our excursion to Crater Lake.

Oh no, we thought, they must have made another mistake. The color  was worse than the first mistake. It was after 5:00 PM, and the business was closed, so we couldn't talk to the owner Shaun. We started to wonder why Shaun had not called us and warned us of another mistake. Maybe this was not a mistake after all. Shaun had told us prior, that the custom maple cabinets would be a slightly lighter. He said that the wood color would change after a while from the sun. I had asked Shaun how much of a difference the color would be. He assured me that it would be very slight and we would hardly notice it. 

What do you think? Is this very slight and do you barely notice it?

How about the new TV cabinet? As you can imagine, Joe and I were very upset about our new custom cabinets.

We had asked for pull out drawS, in our new pantry. I capitalized the S so you would understand our further frustration with finding only one drawer. Now why would there be only one pull out drawer! Does that make any sense? What a waste of space! Frustrations continue to rise.

OK the wall dividing the old entertainment cabinet was put in right. But after looking at it, we think maybe a upper shelve can be added for more functionality.

Friday 7/13/2012

I woke up the next morning feeling terrible. I was so dizzy as I stumbled into the bathroom. I started to wonder if I was dehydrated. I had been on a special diet that excluded all dairy products, beef, and pork, due to the hormones that they are injected with. I also was taking supplements  for a colon cleanse. (which helps to expel toxins and fibrins). Last fall my GYN Dr. had found a large fibroid tumor in my uterus, (non malignant) and wanted to do a hysterectomy. If you know me, you know I don't believe in cutting out the problem. If you don't get to the rootof the problem, you will just develope other health issues. There was a reason my body was growing the fibroid tumor in the first place, and I needed to get to the bottom of it. I found out that fibroid tumors are caused by excess estrogen. I had to stop my estrogen pills, to help stop the growth of the fibroid. Of course this threw me back into hot flashes. Gurrr! With the help of the internet I have been trying to shrink the fibroid. I thought maybe I had carried the cleanse too long and  was now dehydrated. I went into the kitchen and drank a lot of water. What a huge mistake that was. Not too long after that, I was in the bathroom throwing up. I went back to bed and woke Joe up. I told him he was going to have to deal with Davis Cabinets on his own, because I was too sick.
After Joe got up, he went into Davis Cabinets to discuss the dilemma. As we though, they didn't see the problem. Joe told them they would have to redo them, because the color was not acceptable to us. The workers came into our Nest and tore out all the new cabinets. They were going to have to remove all the varnish and stain them to a better match. They were not any happier then we were.  
         We had an appointment at Guaranty RV that morning, but because we had to deal with the issues at Davis Cabinets, we had stayed the night before in their parking lot. We didn't get over to Guaranty until 9:00AM, and our appointment was for 8AM. Our parts had come in finally and we needed to get our work finished. Joe told Guaranty that I didn't feel good, and I was going to be sleeping in the bed while they work on our rig. Because we were late at getting to Guaranty, the very busy Guaranty Service Dept. never got us in that day. We had scheduled two weeks in Junction City to get all our cabinets and service work done, but it still was not enough time. We had to cancel our next campground reservations for two days, to get things wrapped up.

Saturday 7/14/2012

I wanted to go to the town of Sisters, OR. on Saturday, since we were stuck in the area still. Sisters has a annual Quilt Show, where the town has 1300 quilts hanging through out the town from all over the world. The 1880's town is suppose to be interesting in itself, let alone covered in vibrant colors. I had heard about the Quilt Show from another Full Timer, but I thought we were going to miss it by 2 days. Unfortunately I still didn't feel up to par and we had to forgo it. The day drive to Sisters and back was going to be a full day, and we didn't want the day trip to cause a set back in my recovery.

                                  Monday 7/16/2012

Since we stayed at Guaranty over the weekend, we were first in line Monday morning. We got up extra early that morning, to make sure our Nest was across the street and in front of the service center before 8:00AM. 

We spent the day in the Guaranty Service Center customer lounge.

Mallery was very restless in the lounge, but she finally got comfortable on a chair.

Her bangs are still growing out and get into her eyes. Can't wait until they are all long enough to get pulled up and out of her eyes! Once our work was done at Guarrenty, we high tailed it back to Davis Cabinets to get our restained custom cabinets installed.

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