Saturday, August 11, 2012

Union Creek Resort, Prospect, Oregon

Wednesday 7/11/2012

Because our drive to Crater Lake from Junction City was almost 3 hours, we made reservations to spend the night at Union Creek Resort, which  was about 20 minutes south of Crater Lake..

Joe went to register in the lodge. There is a Country Store and Gift Shop also in the lodge. There are rooms you can rent above the lodge, if you don't mind sharing a bathroom with other people and you don't have a dog.

We rented a cabin for $90 a night. When I registered, I told them we had a dog, so they gave us cabin # 4. ( they said that was one of the pet cabins).

We had to pay an extra $15 a night for a pet.

When I told my mom we were going to stay in a cabin south of Crater Lake, she said, " Oh that is nice, you can have a vacation from your motor home"! My mom doesn't understand how we can live in our motor home. She says she would get claustrophobic in it. The cabin was smaller than our motor home.

The bathroom was as small as our Nest.

The shower was actually smaller than ours in our RV. The shower was very clean though. The only plus I could find for this very expensive cabin.

We had brought leftovers from home to save some money, and ate dinner on the picnic tables out front of the cabins.

A fellow traveler had told me if we got near Prospect, OR. to be sure to have pie at Beckie's. Beckie's was right across the street from Union Creek Resort, so while Joe registered, I ran across the street and got two peices of pie.'

Joe and I really miss our mom's pies. We have told our mom's they should sell their pies because they are so good. My mom has been making 2 chocolate, 2 pumpkin, and 1 banana cream pie at Thanksgiving and Christmas for years, with everyone loving them. Kay had always made cherry, apple and blueberry pie when we went to her place for dinner. Of course I always thought my mom's pie's was the best, and Joe's mom's came in a close second. Joe thought just the opposite.  Beckie's advertises as "World Famous Pie". I guess Beckie need to take baking lesson's from my mom and Joe's mom on how to make pie's. The crust was terrible, and the filling was just ok.

Next to Beckie's is an ice cream shop. I should have gone there for desert. It is hard to mess up ice cream.

Mallery and I sat in the ice cream shop's big chair since we didn't need desert. I always love these big chairs because they make you look smaller!

                                    Tuesday 7/10/2010 

 We went to bed early the night before, because our room did not have a TV. We both had a terrible night. The bed slopes to the middle. I slept all night on the edge of the bed so I would not be on top of Joe. The cabin had a a heavy blanket on the bed and the sheet. I was hot or cold all night. Joe had turned on the air when we went to bed, but had got up in the middle of the night and turned it off. It was too cold for just a sheet but not cold enough for the heavy blanket it had on the bed. I didn't know Joe had turned off the air during the night. So to may mom I say, " I don't need a vacation from our motor home. We have our motor home so we don't have to pay good money for a terrible night sleep. We love our Nest, and are so glad we don't have to have a vacation from it very often"!
In the morning we went back over to Beckie's for breakfast. I ordered a pancake and an egg and Joe ordered 2 eggs and an English muffin. The pancake was huge and good. I recommend Beckie's for pancakes but not pie.

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