Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cannon Beach, OR

Saturday 8/4/2012

Nehalem is a town we always drove through on our day drives going north. We never got a chance to stop and check it out. The town is located on the Nehalem River, and was just a bit smaller than the town of Wheeler, OR, just south of it.

But this day we were going to visit the town of Cannon Beach. This beach town has a population of 1588 people.

I liked this town the best of all the northern Oregon coast towns. It had two to three blocks of high end boutiques, shops, art galleries, and restaurants. I really liked this gate in an art gallery.

I like to take pictures of things I like, because I tell Joe when we settle back down and I win the lottery, I can order and ship things to me. Joe tells me I'm a dreamer! I tell him I am speaking my future!

Cannon Beach was hopping with tourist, and parking was not easy to find.

Joe took this and the next pictures while I was in a shop.

It's sad but true, our country is clearly so divided we need two different benches to keep the the sparks from flying!

After weaving in and out of many shops,

we stopped to sample the clam chowder at Ecola. This place was in a book I have on best places to eat (and what to eat) around the USA. We shared just a cup, because we had already ate our salad, we had packed for the day. 

Mallery was with that day,

and as always, if I made a $1 for every smile or isn't she so cute, to can I take a picture of her in her stroller, I would have more money to shop with. Sometimes I think I should leave her at home because it takes us longer to sight see with all the stops, so people can pet Mallery. But I love having her with me and enjoy the smiles she gives!

Mallery was patient while we shared the cup of chowder. It was very thick,creamy, and yummy!

The streets was lined with tri-colored Hydrangea and nicely manicured.

Another item I am going to buy when I win the lottery. The artist is David Jonathan Marshall. The painting was priced at something like $5,000.00. I hope the clerk didn't notice my chin hit the floor when she told me the price. The picture is of autumn colored trees looking from below.

The picture was in the art gallery of Modern Villa Gallery.

Cannon Beach is called the Oregon's answer to California's Carmel.

Lots of restaurants,

and pubs to pick from.

This bakery had some yummy macaroons. I love macaroons!


Joe was intrigued with this old house. It had a single artist gallery in the lower front part of the house. Joe though the owner needed to paint the house.

A shop behind the house. 

After poking around the town area we headed for the beach. This was an entrance we found that was like going through a juggle path to get to the beach.

View of the beach once we cleaned the jungle.

Cannon Beach Haystack

Home along Cannon Beach.


I liked this home up on the hill.

The Neahkahnie Mountains in the distance.

Cannon Haystack stands at 235 feet. Between April and August tufted puffins nest on the haystack. We didn't have our binoculars, so we could not check it out to see if any were there that day.


Our jungle path back to our car was a bit hard to find because the beginning of the path is hidden among the sea grass.

Wait for me you two!

Looking down at the line of homes on Cannon Beach.

There were two campground in and just outside of the town. This was a great little town to visit.

A picture out the car window as we reach the top of Neahahnie Mountain.

Crossing the Nehalem River just outside of Nehalem, and viewing the town of Wheeler in the distance, as we traveled for home.

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