Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day Drive South Of Newport, OR Part 2

Monday 7/30/2012

We continued our drive south of Newport. We made a stop at the top of Cape Perpetua. It sits at 800 feet above sea level. On a clear day, you can see 70 miles away.

At the Devils Churn, we thought our car had run long enough to charge the battery. Joe turned off the car and then restarted it to see if it was going to start.  Unfortunately it didn't, so Joe jumped out and found someone to jump us again. We decided that we were going to have to keep the car  running the rest of the day until we got back to Newport and purchase a new battery.

While Joe was getting the car restarted, I headed over to see what the Devil's Churn was all about,

This tells you how the Devils Churn was formed.

Mallery and I continued down the path to the churn.

A pregnant tree! 
I walked almost all the way down, but felt the picture I got from the top was the best. I headed back up and met Joe half way up. I told him there was not that much to see, so we went back to the running car and continued south.

At the Cooks Chasm stop, we spotted whale blows out in the distance.

With the zoom I captured this whale blow.

Off we went again down Hwy. 101.

The Sea Perch RV Resort sat off of Hwy. 101,

and had front row seat views of the Pacific. It did seem pretty windy as we drove through this area though.

There was another campground called Rock Creek Campground ( a Siuslaw National Forest campground) just south of the Sea Perch RV Resort. We didn't stop, so I can't tell you anymore about the campground.

This area seemed to be pretty desolate and far from  anything. If you want solitude, this would be the place.


After 74 miles we reach the Heceta Head Lighthouse.

We saw this lighthouse when we were in Florence visiting the Sea Lion Caves, but it was under construction.  It was still under construction, so we still didn't get to see the most photographed lighthouse in Oregon. At least we can say we saw the entire Oregon Coast. The lighthouse is covered up with a black shroud on the left side of this picture just before the edge of the cliff.
Bridge at the Heceta Head Lighthouse.

Heceta Head Lighthouse Beach

South end of the Heceta Head Lighthouse Beach.

Lighthouse covered under some kind of tarp.

We left the beach area and headed back home to Lincoln City.


After a long drive and a stop in Newport for a new car battery, we arrive back to Chinook Bend RV Resort.

As we drove into the park, we got a glimpse of one of the park's two lamas. We had been looking for them for a week, but never had seen them until that day.

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