Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ocean Breeze Resort, Ocean Shores, WA

Wednesday 8/15/2012

We left Long Beach, WA and headed east for a bit to get to the Olympia Peninsula of Washington. This is the Willapa Bay, and Long Beach is on the peninsula on the other side of this bay.

Here is a picture of the map where we came from on Hwy. 101 in Oregon through Astoria and to Long Beach in WA. Then we left Long Beach and headed further north on the Olympia Peninsula of WA. on Hwy. 101.

This is a better picture of where we had just left from: Long Beach, WA. You can see Willapa Bay also on the map.

As we drove through Raymond we saw dozens of  steel sculptors, and found out later the town is referred to as the, "City of Steel Sculptures"

Our drive to our next destination was filled with many lumber trucks going to the nearest mills.

Our drive from Long Beach, WA to Ocean City, WA was 94 miles and took 2 1/2 hours to arrive to Ocean Shores WA. As you can see it is not straight line hwy like Joe likes.

Our next neighborhood was actually located between Ocean Shores and Ocean City, WA.

Ocean Breeze had a check in house with of course no one in it, like the majority of them .

This is where you stop and register. They told us we could look around to park and pick any open spot. After we unhooked, we drove to an area where the office told Joe there would be the best place to get a satellite signal. We got a the satellite signal, but no internet. We didn't set up, but just had lunch and then took our internet hot spot and drove around the park with it until we found a signal. I told Joe I wasn't going to go another week, let a lone 2 weeks without it. We were going to be here for actually 2 weeks so it was imperative to have a signal. Because of the Labor Day holidays, we needed to stay here for 2 weeks before any of our free parks would let us in..

The site that we found with an internet signal was 61. Joe of course was able to get a satellite signal also.

In the campground section we picked, The main paved road went past us and was a sort walk to a bathrooom. The in roads had cut outs in the brush. There were 5 sites in our little cul-de-sac. Most of the time we had the entire cul-de-sac to our selves. During the two weeks we were there, two other parties moved in for a short time.
During the week, Joe went up to the upper section of the campground where the clubhouse was and took these next pictures.

This resort is very large with 350 sites.

I didn't see the clubhouse, but from the pictures, it looked like a really nice one.

The negative of the resort is that there are no sewer hook-ups. It was a long two weeks with Joe having to carry buckets of grey water to the restroom each day. Luckily the restroom was very close to our site.

The pool was one of the largest we have seen in all our stays.

After setting up, we drove a couple miles north to the small town of Ocean City. This town was the closest access to the ocean for us. There was parking a block from the beach at the City State Park. When we realized parking was $10, we changed our mind.

The only other parking was on the beach. We were a bit nervous about driving on the beach with our low riding Honda. We drove to where the sand started and took a picture, then headed home.

Joe found this cemetery just down from our site in the resort.

This area was once home to the Quinault Indian Nation

A native Indian named Sampson Johns helped save crews from two ships in 1886 and 1888 while out canoeing for seal skins, which is how he made his living.

For this he was given the Congressional Medal of Honor and a medal from Queen Victoria of England.

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