Monday, September 24, 2012

Ocean Shores, WA Damon Point Beach

                                  Tuesday 8/28/2012

On our last day in Ocean Shores, we decided to take a walk on Damon Point Beach.

There was a campground located right next to the beach. The campground is the Quinault Marina and RV Park.

It was a bit chilly when we first started the walk.

The beach goes out to a point dividing the Pacific Ocean from Grays Bay on a land jetty.

We walked on the ocean side of the penisula point. The bay side was over the sand dune, where the tips of the evergreens are seen in the picture.

Looking across Grays Bay to the town of Westport, WA with the zoom lens.

The wind was really blowing the sand across the flat beach. The wind was blowing in the direction we were going, so it wasn't that bad. But it was bad walking back! ( Especially for Mallery, with her being so close to the ground).

Joe wanted to turn around half the way to the point, but when I get a bee in my bonnet, it is hard for me to give it up. Here is Joe stand at the ocean/bay beach point.

Just off from the point, as we headed back we saw a drift wood hut that someone had built.

Someone or somebody really went to a lot of work to put this hut together.

Mallery went inside to check it out! ( Actually Joe was on the backside of it and she was trying to find a short cut to get to him)

The builder also put in a fence around the hut with driftwood stick stuck in the sand.

It was a long, long, long walk back. Joe said it was a 1.5 mile walk to the point, making it a 3 mile walk round trip. The beach didn't have shells, but it had wonderful perfectly smooth round flat stones. I had collected my favorites and had them in a sack, but the sack gave out on the way back ( because I kept adding to the sack), so I had to carry them in my hat. By the time we got back to the car my hips were aching. I guess, I picked off more than I should have and should have listened to my husband.

Thank goodness we are almost back!


  1. It is actually 2.5 miles to the point . . . which is the reason your hips were hurting! I have walked it a couple of times, but now I let my hubby go on his march, and I hunt stones and enjoy the view from about half way =)

  2. Ok, delete my previous post about it being 2.5 miles, as that was one hiker's estimation, but it seems that it may be wrong! It seems like 5 miles each way =)


  4. Ok, this will by my last post, but here is a map of about 3 miles. If you went clear to the end, it was about a 5 miles trek.

    1. Well that definitely explains why my hips were hurting. I never walk that far!
