Thursday, September 13, 2012

Oysterville & Leadbetter Point State Park, WA.

Thursday 8/9/2012

On our first day in the state of Washington, we decide to drive to the end of the peninsula that we were staying on. In route Joe notice this sign.

We pulled into the drive way and looked at the business hours on the milk and cheese making building. We had come at business hour,and soon the owner of the goat farm came toopen up the business. He had been out mowing. After purchasing some goat milk and cheese, I asked if I could see his goats.

His goats are French Alpine goats.

This is a picture of one of the baby kids.
I had never seen or tried French Alpine goat milk, so I was anxious to check it out.

We continues north up the peninsula to Oysterville.

As we drove through Oysterville, we noticed signs on all of the old homes. We found out that there was a walking tour of the historic town.

The sign gave us information on  each historic home.

I found all the old colored glass bottles in the windows more interesting!

I like the large wrap around porch on this home.

We followed the road toward the bay.

Just north of Oysterville, we found the Oysterville Sea Farm.

Joe went inside to check their prices.

While he was inside I poked around.

View of the Willapa Bay, and the Olympia Peninsula mainland across the bay.

It was so stinky ( fishy) smelling all around this business. ( I just hate that fishy smell)!

A couple pulled up and went inside, and soon returned with a very large bag of oysters. They had a truck that looked like it had been converted into a camper. Joe later told me the couple had been out crabbing all day, and were picking up oysters, for a crab and oyster feast. Joe decide to check prices elsewhere because he still had shell fish at home.

This is a home that I call, "The home that kept on going"!

2nd half,

and 3rd half. I liked the middle glass sunroom.

We drove back to Oysterville to stop and see a few things we had past.

Baptist Church of Oysterville, WA.

The door was open, so we peeked in. No regular services have been held here since the 1930's, but Sunday Music Vespers services are held from mid June to Labor day weekend by several ministers from varies churches on the peninsula

Joe noted this hinge on the front door. Joe picks up on things that go right by me. Too bad he couldn't become the detective he wanted to be. He would have made a good one!

Across the street from the Baptist Church is this home.

After Tom Crellin moved to California, this home was purchase to be the parsonage for the Baptist Church across the street.

The home had nice detail hanging from the roof.

Oysterville was founded in 1854 for the abundant oysters in the tide lands.

This was the third and final schoolhouse in Oysterville. The first was outgrown, and the second burned down.

It is no longer used as a schoolhouse.

After visiting Oysterville we continued our drive to the point of the peninsula toward Leadbetter Point.
On our drive we noticed this fancy gate into a private residence property.

The Leadbetter Point State Park had signs saying you must purchase a day pass.

We couldn't find anyplace where you would purchase the day pass, so we quickly walked the path to the point.

Not much else to see there, that we didn't see from the Oysterville Sea Farm.

Looking north toward the point.

This was not prime birding time either, so just one bird on the beach. We headed back to the car. There was only one other car in the parking lot. There were several trailheads, but without a day pass, we decided to head home.

Another gate to a private property that was on the ocean side along the state park land of the peninsula.

I peeked through the gate.

A very long driveway to the property.

Lion head detail on the gate.

Detail above the gate.

There were two roaring lions on both sides of the gate.
We found a library in the town of Ocean Park, which was 8 miles north of our crampground. We used their internet a couple of times to get us through the week.

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