Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sequim, WA

Saturday 9/8/2012

On Saturday, we drove 12 miles west to Sequim, WA for the Farmers Market.

The Farmers Market is held in Sequim, May to October on Saturdays, from 9AM to 3 PM. It had a little bit of everything. I bought a hat (Yes another hat- Joe said- "you already have too many hats already"!) from a local who has lived without electricity for 20 years. She was a very interesting lady.

After the Farmers Market, we stopped at the downtown area and walked around a bit. Before leaving I stopped at the, "That Takes The Cake".  Another traveler told me about this place, so I wanted to check it out.

They had all kinds of flavored cupcakes in normal size or baby size. I got 6 baby size cupcakes to try 6 different flavors. The carrot cake cupcake was by far the best to me.

After shopping we were going to drive the scenic loop that our camp host told Joe about. We didn't have our map, so Joe was going on memory. We couldn't find the road to the lighthouse so we stopped at the Juan de Fuca Cottages to get directions.

This was a very cute resort on the Juan de Fuca Strait.

We were told by a resort host that the only way to get to the lighthouse was to walk on the 5.5 mile Dungeness Spit. We looked out across the strait and could see the lighthouse, way out there. You have to check the tides also, because sometimes the tide prevents you from getting to the tip.
I got our zoom out and took this picture.
I zoomed in still a little more. If we walked out to the point, that would be a 10 mile walk there and back. That just wasn't going to happen with these two old doggies. Sure glad we got our new zoom lens.

We couldn't find the scenic loop either, so we headed home. As we drove back , we got this view of the Olympic National Park out  in front of us. 

There were several other things that we could have done while in Sequim, but our time was winding down. Sequim is recognized as the Lavender Capitol in North America. Sequim has more than 30 lavender farms and business to visit. The town also has an organic farm with a full grocery store at the farm, and several U-pick berry farms. The town also has the Olympic Game Farm that I wanted to go to. It is the home of past animal actors. The owner of the farm worked exclusively with Walt Disney Studios for 28 years filming on site at the farm "Charlie The Lonesome Cougar", "Grizzly Adams", and "The Incredible Journey" to name a few..The farm also has wild and exotic animals. There just is not enough time to see everything!

Just up the road from our campground was also a Tribal Casino that we never got to. There is lots to see and do in Sequim, WA, so if we ever get a chance to come back here, I would!

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