Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Madalena June's 2nd Birthday

Saturday 11/17/2012

We are currently in Gulf Shores, AL. Our girls, Alisha and Tiffany and grandchildren live here and we spend part of fall and winter here.

Madalena June is our youngest grandchild. She turned 2 years old on November 15th. She loves Dora, so Dora was her birthday theme.

This is Alisha's home, who is Maddie's mommy.

Maddie's older sister Hayleah drew the message on the chalkboard.

Alisha ordered pizza for lunch for everyone.

After lunch the kids went back outside to jump in the Dora jumping gym that Alisha and Jamie ordered for the birthday party.

Maddie was afraid to get in at first, but her mother went in with her, and she decided it was a lot of fun.
Noah, Aden, and Landon. ( Noah is Maddie's older brother. Aden is Noah's best friend, and Landon is Aden's little brother)

Lennox (my other grandson) jumping to touch the basketball net.

After the children used up some of their energy, it was birthday cake time.

Maddie's birthday cake was made up of cupcakes that were frosted together.

Lennox had been waiting all day for the cupcakes.
Joe missed Maddie's birthday, because he flew out of Pensacola, FL that day for Myrtle Beach, SC. His entire family got together for Thanksgiving and to celebrate his mom's 90th birthday.

Maddie was unsure why everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her.

Everyone coaches Maddie to blow out her candles.

Maddie was more interested in tasting the frosting on one of the cupcakes. Noah blew out the candles for her.

T.J. ( Jamie's sister's Sonya son) helped Maddie open her presents.

After cake, ice cream and presents, it was time to burn off the sugar highs. Noah turned 4 on June 2. I always miss his birthday because we are somewhere north where it is cooler.

The kids loved the slide in the jumping gym.

While the kids played in the jumping gym, the adults enjoyed the beautiful warm day on the front porch or inside watching the Iowa football game.

Lennox had his 4th birthday on September 17th, but we were still out west, so I missed his birthday also.

Mommy Alisha joined in on the fun. Noah and Maddie's dad, Jamie, is in Afghanistan serving a one year civil contract on a military base. It has been a hard year for all of them, being apart. Jamie will be coming home April 1st.

Everyone had a great day celebrating our Maddie June"s special day.

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