Sunday, November 11, 2012

Three Day Drive From CR to Gulf Shores, AL.

Sunday 11/4/2012

After 18 days in Cedar Rapids, IA it was time to hit the road again. Malley is checking out the road ahead with Joe.

Mallery usually rides in her kennel for most of our drives in the Nest. After a couple of hours she gets bored and whines until I let her out. Then I seatbelt her to my seat belt and she sits on my lap the rest of the day. Before we left on this trip, we got her booster car seat that is in the car, and strapped it on top of her kennel, which sits next to my front seat. It took a while, but  Mallery decided it was a pretty good seat with great views out the front window.
Our route took us south on Hwy. 218 to Mount Pleasant, IA. We stopped for 30 minutes, so my sister Karen could see are new Nest. After leaving Mount Pleasant, Mom said she was enjoying her ride in our Nest. She said she could see out the side and front windows.

Later that day she got very quiet, so I looked back to check on her. I guess she got tired and slipped into dreamland. The first night we stopped at a Wal-Mart in Festus, Missouri, just south of St. Louis after a 203 mile day.

Our second day on the road continued south of Festus, MO. As we left Missouri, this route tooks us into the NE corner of Arkansas for a few miles, then into Tennessee, and finally into Mississippi. We stopped at a Wal-Mart in New Albany, MS that night, with a long drive of 330 miles. We arrived at Wal-Mart just after dusk.

Day 3 we continued our road trip in Mississippi on Hwy 45 south.

Mom was really enjoying the fall colors we were seeing in Mississippi.

The fall colors turn into evergreens further south on Hwy. 45.

Finally we crossed the state line into Alabama, and onto a two lane road.

Hwy. 45 continued into Alabama.

As we entered into Mobile, AL the day was getting short. We had beautiful cloud views most of that drive.

Mobile had a high temp of 64 degrees that day.
Cedar Rapids, where we had left 3 days prior, had a temp of 46 degrees. we were so glad we had left CR and the cold weather.

Mobile, AL.

The first and last time we came through Mobile, this tunnel startled Joe, because you come around a corner and don't expect it. This time we were ready for it.

We crossed the Mobile Bay and took Hwy. 10 to Styx River Resort in Robertsdale, AL This resort is a ROD resort, so we can stay there free for 3 weeks. Then we have to leave for a week before we can come back in for another 3 weeks free. Our  drive was 329 miles that day.

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