Monday, December 3, 2012

Annual Thanksgiving Program

Wednesday 11/21/12

I always enjoying going to the Annual Thanksgiving Program at the kids day care. ( But also don't enjoy it, as I will tell you why later)! Here is Maddie's very small class.  (Maddie is the little blonde on the left). Her class was not in the program. They just sat in the front row and watch the older children.

This is Noah's class.

Noah is the last little boy on the right. He had been worrying 2 weeks prior the preformance. The first few minutes, when he came out on the stage, he was doing well.

He tried so hard to be brave, but his anxiety overwhelmed him

and he just could not hold back the tears. Tears fild my eyes as I thought of all the years he was going to have to endure this torture of shyness and stage fright in school programs and speeches. My grandchildren have been passed down the family gene curse of stage fright and anxiety. His mom Alisha, would start to worry weeks before her dance rehersal's and alway would cry before the preformance, not wanting to go on the stage. After the preformance she would say she wanted to take dance class the next year. She did this for many years of dance class. Her daughter Hayleah, was in dance class one year, but never made it to the stage for her preformance. My grandmother had anxiety, which was passed down to my mother and many, many, many members of my family. I don.t think kids should be made to be put through this fear for all their lives. Not all of us are meant to be on the stage or even in front of a small groups of people. All I can say, is I am glad those years are over for me, but I feel for my grandchilren who have this gene passed on to them. I never out grew this fear and still to deal with anxiety in certain situations.

After the preformance, we got to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner provided by the day care and the parents of the children.
Noah was much happier when it was all over. This is a picture of my daughter Alisha's three children, Hayleah, Noah and Maddie. My other grandchild, Lennox use to go to this day care, but now attends a different day care. Lucky for him, he doesn't have to be put through this misery. The year he attended this day care he had a melt down too during the program.

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