Friday, February 1, 2013

December In Gulf Shores, AL

                                   December 17, 2012

During the second half of December we parked our Nest back in Gulf Shores at Gulf Breeze Resort. We stayed there our first year in Gulf Shores. It is only 4 miles to the girls houses. 

It is a very nice park. We paid $450 for the month stay. When we arrived, there was only about 5 sites to pick from. We pick site #2, because it was close to the entrance and it was easy access getting in and out of the park, avoiding all the speed bumps.

View of the park out the Nest window as Joe got us registered.

Noah and Lennox Christmas Eve. As you can see, it was warm for us during the holidays.

After opening up gifts we played our usual  Dirty or Secret Santa gifts. Everyone brings a gift, then each person gets a number to pick out a gift. If the person doesn't like their gift, they can take away someone else's gift. I am sure you all have played this game. Blake got a red neck head band with some wine.
Madalena with the stuffed Yorkie in it's carry purse, I got for her. She liked to carry her new purse with the doggie in it as a back pack. I couldn't get her to carry it the right way.

Joe steals Blake's red neck head band and wine away. ( Sorry my pictures are so blurry. Must have had too much wine and didn't realize how bad they all were. I had forgot my camera that night and was using my phone camera and my eye sight has been getting real bad lately. Time to get some new glasses).

It took a lot of coaxing, but we finally got Joe to show off his new steal. He looks like an old hippie doesn't he.

The red neck head band is stolen again. Alisha finds another way to wear it.

The next couple days we got some colder weather and Noah and Maddie got to wear some of their new Christmas hats and coats.

Maddie mastering her new scooter.

It doesn't take her long and she has it all figured out!

After Christmas one night, Maggie could not seem to get up without extreme pain. Alisha took Maggie to an emergency vet that night and they put her on arthritis medicine. After a few days, she was still not able to get up so we took her to another vet. Alisha had to carry Maggie to the car and into the veterinarian's building.

While at the vets we saw this baby piglet that someone had. The vet owns a pig herself, who can be seen roaming the office hall at times. I have been at this vets a few times with Mallery and hadn't seen it yet. Maggie was diagnosed with a extremely low thyroid level. After a few days of thyroid medicine she was able to get up again without pain.

Noah pushing Robbin around the house in a buggy.  Robbin seemed to enjoy the ride.

One night Mallery and I went to bed, and for some reason she started to shake with anxiety. She panted and was restless. After about 20 minutes, I thought maybe she had to go to the bathroom. I got my clothes on and took her outside. She didn't seem to have to do anything, and I got impatient, so we went back to bed. We got in bed and it started all over again. I thought maybe she sensed something and was warning me of danger. I took her back outside and decided I better walk her longer so I could eliminate any possibility of  bathroom needs. She walked and walked and walked. By the time we got back to bed it was 2AM. Again she started to shake.. I woke Joe, and told him what was going on.  I  told him I was going to sleep on the couch with her, and if that didn't help I was going to my daughters, because there must be something  dangerous in our Nest.  Joe said what ever and went back to sleep. Once on the couch, she seems to settle down. I had a very sleepless night on the couch that night with her. The next day I asked Joe if there could be some kind of carbon monoxide going on. He said no because we didn't have anything running that could cause it. The next night it started again when we went to bed. The next day, I had Joe check all the draws because my daughter said maybe there was a snake in our unit and she senses it. Alisha said snakes get into homes and walls, when it gets cold around there.. It has been over 3 weeks and every time I go to bed, Mallery has an anxiety attacks in bed, for at least 15 minutes. I have had to just ignore her and she finally falls asleep.

Joe enjoyed getting his Oyster Rockefeller's and Oysters Alfredo  from Steamers. He gots a coupon for $25. The coupon is matched with a free coupon for another $25 of food. 

Joe got these treats about 6 times with the $25/$50 deal..

Just a few pictures of my baby.

with her long hair.

I have tried real hard to get a picture of her with her hair combed out to the side, but just as I get it combed out she gets up and moves before I can get the picture. This was the best one I could get. A good picture would be with her front paws out front and all her hair combed out from all directions. She refuses to keep both her paws out when I try to comb them. Yorkie's are very stubborn dogs.
Joe took these next two picture of Mallery sleeping on the couch.

She thinks the couch is hers, and can always be found there during the day.

Joe found a deal at Steamers for crabs. They occasionally sell single or loose crab legs of various kinds for $9.00 for two Lbs.This is about 1/3 lb of crab legs. Cost 3.00. He also bought crab legs for $5.68 a lb at Bruno's grocery a couple of  times when he couldn't get them at steamers.

Taking care of Mallery's long hair is a real chore. I have to brush her out daily to keep her hair from matting up. She frustrates me because I will get her real pretty with her bow and then she just has to shake it out, and then rub her head and face, and body on the carpet and just mess up her new do. I guess she doesn't feel natural with hair looking so perfect. I will be cutting it all off soon, because when we get to Texas it will be too hot for her.

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