Monday, February 25, 2013

Rockport Downtown & Fulton Beach Road

                                    Tuesday 2/12/2013

After visiting Pelican Pier and Rockport Beach, we drove to the downtown area of Rockport, TX.

Joe had read that the town had been trying to spruce up the downtown area and make it more attractive. Business were encourage to paint their store fronts.

I thought this business owner had a creative idea. She painted sticks and put them in painted flower pots.

This  business called "The Beach House" had a Christmas lite patio with a sign saying open Monday - Sat.,11- 3 & BYOB or Bring your own beer. I  checked out their reviews and they serve lunch and the reviews are very mixed, some love the place and others hated it.

The Daily Grind is a coffee shop. They also serve quiche and scones.

The town had recently installed new umbrella's at the corners for bored husbands to hang out at.

As we walked up and down the downtown area we came to this neat old car.

Willys Jeep

This business the "Waterfront Artisan's Workshop" restored old things.

We left the downtown area and headed back toward Fulton. This is one of the old historic homes in Rockport, as we headed back.

Joe wanted to stop at Fulton Pier to get some crabs, unfortunately we got there a few minutes after five and it was closed. This is a picture of just one of the many same scenes we saw all along the marina. Ships had docks and bags of oysters were being pick up by semitrailers.

We took Fulton Beach Road home ( which we had just discovered the day before). This road is lined with Windswept Oaks.

A neat swordfish gate at someones home along the bay.

On Fulton Beach Road we came to this spot where their was a marsh between the bay and road and the homes.

I saw this bird way off across the marsh and Joe though it was a fake pink statue, but I told him to stop because I knew what it was and wanted to get a picture.

I had seen pictures of it in other birder blogs, but had never seen one in real life.

 A Roseate Spoonbill and a Great Blue Heron.

These guys bills are so weird, looking like a spoon.

They have this greenish blue forehead and a yellow chest.

Very neat and colorful bird to see for the first time.

And another old man!

Fulton Beach Road is lined with long dock after dock in the Aransas Bay.

The Royal Oaks sit across from the bay.

Looks like quite a swanky place. Note the 4 roman columns. This is a housing community for custom built homes.

The Blue Lagoon RV Resort was also along the bay. This would be a nice park to stay at, as it was about the same price we paid inland and Joe could just walk across the street to fish. The sites are right on top of each other though, so you would have to enjoy your neighbors. As we drove through the park there were several gathering of  5:00 social hour at individual sites. The sites were paved and the in roads were paved, which we like so we don't track in sand, dirt and grass.

We decided we really like the Fulton/Rockport area and wouldn't mind coming back for a couple months stay.

More Windswept Oaks as we continued our drive north on Fulton Beach Rd.

Turkey Vultures roosting on a dock gate entrance.

The bay must be very shallow because all the docks along Fulton Beach Road were very long.

I really like this part of the town the best!

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