Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rockport, Texas & Birds

                                 Tuesday  2/12/2013

While still in Fulton/ Rockport area of Texas, we decide to check out Rockport, TX,

but first we stopped at the Fulton Pier. As we walked out toward the end it started to spit rain, so we turned back.

The rain lasted but a minute, so we continued on our adventures. Next stop to see the Fulton Mansion.

We didn't go inside because we have seen many a mansion on our travels and they all start to look the same after awhile, and besides it cost $6 each . Below is more information about the mansion.              


Open:Education and History Center: Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. and Sunday, 12:30–4:30 p.m.
Mansion: Guided tours start on the hour, Tuesday–Saturday, 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m. and Sunday, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3 p.m.
**Tours of the Mansion will not be available after Feb. 24, 2013 due to preservation work. Learn more.
Note: Tour times may become booked in advance, so please call ahead for availability.
Closed:    Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day

Entrance Fees 
Adults:$6 ($3 during Mansion preservation
Ages 6-18 / Students with ID / Adult Tour Groups*:$4 per person ($1 during Mansion preservation)                               
Ages 5 and under:Free
School Groups*:$1 per student (reservations required)

The Fulton Mansion sits on the Aransas Bay.

We followed the shoreline of the Aransas Bay, and came upon a neighborhood that sat across the street from the bay. All the homes had waterfront on man made channels.

This home sat on the bay and had a different style than most of the homes in the neighborhood.

It had two stain glass panels next to the front door that I liked. We had to leave the shoreline of the bay and go inland because the road ended in the neighborhood.

Our drive took us on Broadway St. along Little Bay, which took us past Pelican Pier.

It was a private pier, but was taken over by migrating birds.

We  parked our car along the road and had lunch there, then I got some pictures of the different  bird species.

There were a lot of ducks that I had never seen before.

The pier had a lot of shore birds on it,

and further out on the pier there were pelicans.

And then further out still, there were more birds. You can also see the neighborhood we had just explored across Little Bay.

Here are some pictures of  the Redhead duck.

Lesser Scaup - male

I got out my bird book that was given to me by Joe's sister Renee.

I am not sure what kind of duck this is. Any help from birders appreciated. ( I got an email from my sister in law who is a birder, and she thinks this duck is a female Redhead duck)

American Coot

Lesser Scaup - female

I think this is a female Canvasback.

Great Blue Heron

Great Egret

Cormorant ( I think )

American White Pelicans


There were many cars stopping here and getting pictures of the many different kinds of birds.
To be continued

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