Monday, March 4, 2013

Lakewood RV, Harlingen, Texas

                                   Thursday  2/21/2013

Before we left Brownsville, I found some time to get some of Mallery's hair cut. In this picture, I was sitting on the patio and Mallery wanted to sit next to me. ( She always sits next to me in my chair in the Nest). There was not enough room in my patio chair, with my computer on my lap, so I made her sit in another chair.

Her hair was still long in these pictures.

The only place that I cut her hair was on her back, rump, and stomach.

I will trim up the other areas latter in the near future. It has been so windy, that it is hard to cut a straight cut. In the mean time she is much cooler and a lot less work for me. 

We left Brownsville and headed north for about 30 miles to the city of Harlingen, Texas. We got off I-83 to the frontage road, and I could see the sign of our new home site.

Joe found this place on the internet. We needed a place to stay for a month. All of the membership campgrounds that we belong to don't allow month stays.  We are staying at Lakewood RV Resort for $12 a day plus electricity.

This gated resort is an Encore Park.

View as we entered the park.

This building holds the office,  laundry, plus all activities rooms.

We are Winter Texans this year.

We had been given site 203 before we arrived, but after checking it out, we asked if we could be put at site 237. The site that we were assigned to , sat right on top of a mobile home. It had a really nice large cement patio and all cement driveway, but we really didn't want to be that close to our neighbors. We would get less breeze and I couldn't have my TV as loud as I like it. ( I have had my ears checked and I have been told they are fine, but I seemed to have to have my TV loud. The Dr. that checked me said I was a loud junkie. He said some people just like things to be loud. We pick a spot across the street from #203. There is not anyone on the right, left or behind us. Now I don't have to worry about being too noisy.

Our new address is 239 Aspen Drive, Lakewood RV Resort, Harlingen, Texas.

The downside of our site is it has a very small cement patio.

Let me now show you around the resort. This building is our post office. We have a key to open a mail slot for our mail.

One of the picture painted on the Post Office.

Behind the Post Office, is the heated pool.
Next to the Post Office is the Friday 4 PM Happy Hour hang out spot, as well as a picnic/grilling place.

Behind the picnic area is the shuffle board area.

Behind the shuffle board area is the horse shoe area. Joe and I said one of these days we are going try to play the game.

On one of our daily walks around the park, I spotted this house.

It had this sign above the door, so it must be a wood carving shop.

The park is a mix of RVs and Mobile homes. The resort is not as nice as the resort we were in at Brownsville, but we like the size of the town much better. Harlingen has a population of 64,849, and is located in the center of the Rio Grande Valley. The town is 30 miles from the coast and has the cheapest cost of living in the USA. It has a large mall and all the stores you need very close by. Because the city sits at the intersection of two interstates, our GPS was having trouble getting us to where we wanted to go. We finally gave up on the GPS and just went out exploring to find businesses we needed and how to get there. There is a Wal-Mart, Target, Mall, Pizza Hut, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, Petsmart and much more. We will be here until March 23.

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