Friday, March 15, 2013

Nuevo Progreso, Mexico

                                   Wednesday 3/13/2013

I started out the morning with the Morning Glory Smoothie which has spinach, avocado, mango, and goji berries and H2O. I added some coconut milk and ice cubes. It was very good.

We had to get up early, ( anything before 9AM is early for us) and be ready for our pick up at 9AM. Donna and Steve picked us up in their truck, with another couple. Our drive to Mexico was about a 30 minute drive SW from our campground.

It cost 50 cents a person to enter into Mexico.

Mary, Joe and Donna walking across the bridge

over the Rio Grande River.

Mary and Donna insisted that we had to have our picture taken in front of the Nuevo Progreso, Mexico sign since it was our fist time there.

John, Steve and Joe in one of the many pharmacy to get cheep medicine.

You can get your shoes shined for almost free. Everything is advertised as, "Almost Free"

One of the stores that we browsed.

Mary from Minnesota going into a pharmacy.

After wondering around for a bit, it was time for lunch at Donna, Steve, Mary and Johns favorite eating place. "Elsa's"

Joe, Mary, John, Donna, and Steve. I was going to try to stay within my diet plan, but after I got a sip of Joe's Margarita, it all fell a part from there. I ordered a Margarita, and chowed down on the homemade chips and salsa, and then had a chalupa, ( pretty much a tostadas).  Joe order 2 chalupa's. Our total bill with two margarita's came to $12. What a deal! Shortly after dinner I got a headache. My body was telling me I was messing up!

After lunch we continued our walk around the town. I picked up some souvenir for my Nana kids.

Mary told me she had her upper eyelids and eye brows tattooed on, here in Mexico. I would love to have eye liner permanently tattooed on but Mary said it took about 2 hour to do both eyes and that it hurt. I guess I will stick with applying it myself daily. Most snowbirds also see dentists here because it is so cheap.

On the way home we stopped at Joe's Avocado Tree Farm. 

He has a beautiful back yard.

with a pavilion that hosted Sunday night family dinners.

Donna pointed out a Chachalaca in a tree. They are found in Southern Texas and look like a small chicken. Here is a better picture that I copied of the internet of a Chachalaca.
Grey-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps)

Joe was not there, but his helper picked some avocado's off the trees for us.

I didn't really know how avocado's were grown, so now I know they grow on trees.

The helper had a long pole that had a basket and rake at the end of the basket to pull off the avocado's.

We paid $1 for 2 avocados' and got eight of them These avocado's are called Lula, instead of the Haas variety avocado's. Donna and Karen said they last forever in the refrigerator.
When we got home, Mary and John invited us all over to their place for happy hour.  Then her neighbor brought over a fresh bake apple pie. What the "H", I shared a piece with Joe. The pie was so good that it competed with Joe's and my mom's pie. The lady who had brought the pie over, had put cheese on top of the pie. She is a Canadian and told us apple pie and cheese is as traditional to Canadians as apple pie and ice cream are to Americans. It was very good that way, but I think I will stick with the American version. I still like the ice cream better. Since I had all ready blown my diet, Mary gave me a small drink of amaretto that she had got in Mexico. After a few sips of the amaretto,  I got a sudden sugar buzz. I get this often when I get too much sugar. I get suddenly dizzy and feel like I could pass out, which last for a few minutes. It was a sugar overload that day for me. The resort was having a pie night, so since I had fallen off the wagon, why not go to the club house for another piece of pie.
The next day I got back on the diet and hopped I didn't do too much damage. 

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