Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Drive To Lake Point Resort In Canyon Lake, Texas

                                    Wednesday 4/3/2013

We left Choke Canyon State Park and continued on Hwy 281 to I-37. As we got close to San Antonio the sky ahead did not look good!

Looking NE,

and NW. It was a bit nerve racking driving toward this weather.

Then all of a sudden we were hammered with marble sized hail.

Mallery started to shake and shrink away from the front window and toward me.

"Maybe if I look backward this loud noise will go away", thought Mallery.

"That didn't seem to work, Hold me Mom"! "Please"
This was the worse weather we have had to drive in, and hope we never have to drive in weather like this again.

The hail hit on us for about ten minutes as we stressed out and continued up the road.
The hail finally stopped just as we started to enter into San Antonio.

Our route was taking us straight through the middle of San Antonio. You can see from the map, we went through San Antonio previously but going from east to northwest.

Once in San Antonio we saw this wall of clouds. No that is not mountains ahead.

Just before we got to the north side of San Antonio, we went under the crossroads in the sky.

We leave the big city to the north side of San Antonio.

After about 30 miles, we turn east on Hwy. 306.

We are now in the "Hill Country of Texas".

After another 20 miles we enter into Canyon Lake, TX.

View of Canyon Lake as we enter town.

The Presidents Resort  sits along the road that leads to our campground.

Finally we arrive home at Lake Point Resort.

Another non-security manned gate.

Our Place on the Lake.

Our view out our front window.
We chose a site that had a good cable and internet signal, and lake view, over a gravel site. This resort is a Coast To Coast campground, so we stay for $10 a day plus electricity. We will be here for 6 days. To bring you up to date as of 4-8-13 we leave tomorrow for Fredericksburgs, Texas.

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