Sunday, April 28, 2013

Second Day In Austin, Texas

                                   Wednesday 4/17/2013

On our second day in Austin, I told Joe I wanted to go to Allens Boots.

It is located on the south side of Austin across from Lady Bird Lake/ river.

I had notice it the day before when we drove to the Food Truck area in south Austin. Allen's is located directly across the street from the Food Trucks on Congress Ave.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do! or for me it is, "When in Texas do as Texans do"! Go cowboy boot shopping.

While I tried on different boots, Joe took pictures.

Most of the boots in the store are handmade and cost from $200 to $800. The boots range from 8 inches high to 22 inches high. I picked out the boots on the top self that are beige with a little black design in them. Joe said, he thought if  I was going to pick out some boots, I'd get something more colorful. When Joe found out how expensive they were, he got worried. The boots cost $699. I told Joe not to worry, I was just having fun trying them on and would have to come back and get them when I win the lottery!

After boot shop dreaming, we headed over to Lamar Blvd., another main artery in Austin that runs south and north, parallel to Congress. I wanted to try out the ice cream at "Lick", another featured business on "Sweet Eats" on the Food Channel

The ice cream shop didn't look like much from the outside and there were only about 12 flavors to chose from. Luckily "Sweet Eats" redeemed themselves with this recommendation. The reason I liked this place is because they had very different flavors, such as Cilantro Lime, Grapefruit Ginger, Caramelized Carrots and Tarragon, Roasted Beets and Fresh Mints. Lick has Everyday Flavors, Seasonal Flavors, and Dairy Free/Vegan Flavors. All of the ingredients are local and seasonal/fresh. With that in mind, certain flavors are available different times of the year. I sampled about 6 different flavors, but had to go with the Dark Chocolate with Olive Oil ans Sea Salt. Now mind you a scoop is not cheap, but worth a try in my opinion. ( Note Joe was not buying any ice cream).  I would have bought a pint to go at $8, but we had a couple more stops and I forgot to bring a ice pack to keep it frozen. I know you are saying right now, "You sure are having a lot of cheats, being you are on the Yeast Free Diet"! All I can say to that is, a girl has to do what a girl has to do when she only comes to Austin once and sometimes you just have to break the rules. I got back on the sugar free wagon again and will continue on because I was renewed with some Unique Sweets!
 Here is a link to the website of Lick with all there different flavors, for those who are interested:

                                    Thursday 4/18/2013

The last day in Austin we went to the Whole Foods Market near downtown Austin on Lamar Blvd. If you are a Foodie like me, you will "LOVE" this Whole Foods. Even Joe was impressed with this store. It is huge and has many different eating and snack bars and places just to hang out at. I think I might just move to Austin so I could go to this Whole Foods Market every week. This Whole Food Market made our stop to Austin all worth it to me!
 Here is a little more that I found out about this store:

Located just blocks from where Whole Foods Market began as a small neighborhood grocery store over 30 years ago, the flagship store at the corner of Sixth Street and Lamar Boulevard is one of the largest, at 80,000 square feet.  Though much bigger in size, the store retains the charm and accessibility of our first location, with an intimate, village-style layout and passionate, attentive Team Members eager to assist our guests.

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