Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Big Rock Park and Downtown Glen Rose, Texas

                                     Thursday 4/25/2013

As we drove down our county road out to the main road, Joe pointed out an old building that he had seen, on one of his outings, while I stayed home.

Back in the 20's it was a gas station and a convenience store.

It also has the petrified wood in it, that we saw in the chimneys in our campground.

Another old abandon building just up from the last old building. This one is for sale for those who might be interested.

Next stop Big Rock Park.

Joe had found this park while on one of his solo "scoping out" adventures. We parked in the parking lot and got Mallery's stroller out.

Joe carried her stroller down the stairs to the walkway on the dam.. As you can see it was a cool day and we needed jackets.

Mallery had her jacket on too, because I had just cut her hair really short the day before, for the summer. 

Since we arrived in Glen Rose, we have been making it a point to go for a fast walk at least 3 days a week. Without anywhere to hike we had got into a lazy mode during the winter and we needed to kick into a higher gear for our health sake!

We saw some Redheads and Blue-winged Teals in the river.

They were very skittish and as we walked closer on the path, they took to flight.

We had Mallery in the stroller because you don't get exercise with a dog who has to sniff and mark every couple of minutes.

The walkway took us into Heritage Park.

The walkway ended in Heritage Park, so we crossed the river on the bridge toward downtown Glen Rose. The water in the Paluxy River looked very clean.

There was a sidewalk on one side of the bridge for us to cross over.

As we cross the bridge we saw "The Juckyard Dog" On the back end of the old Volkswagen Beetle, there was a sign that said, "Welcome to Glen Rose"

The Junkyard Dog sells antiques, candles, Home Decor, and collectibles. I liked the eye lashes and art work on the old car!
As we got closer to the downtown , Joe pointed out the Hollywood sign. I'll tell you more about that later.

Courthouse on the square in Glen Rose.

We walked up the street and found another old building made with the stone and petrified wood.

The "Storiebook Cafe" a novel experience is just up from the square.

It had a very colorful out door seating area. No time to eat, we were out for exercise!

We thought we could walk back to the park on this side of the river to our car, but the sidewalk ended. We turned back around, and walked down a neighborhood street back toward  town, to get different views. This neat old stone home backs up to the Paluxy River.

A couple blocks back, and we turned back to the downtown area. Glen Rose was chosen as  the "America's Dream Town" in  2004. The criteria for the award is judged on population, pretty, pristine, patriotic, and website.

We walked around the square to Vine Street.

This resturant is called Hollywood and Vine because it sits on Vine St. and draws you in with the big Hollywood sign.

Back on the square there are coffee shops, antique stores, and Texas Treasure stores. Nothing was open until the afternoon.

I saw this , "Our Nest" pillow in a store window. I am hoping we will get back to the downtown before we leave, to check out this pillow. (Reflection of Joe pushing Mallery).

If you come to Glen Rose without a "Nest" you can stay at the old Glen Hotel, establish in 1928, or

the "Inn On The River", which sits right next to the Glen Hotel. There are also many newer hotels on the highway that bypasses the town. I read there are more than 30 Bed & Breakfasts, Cabins, Lodges, Hotels, and RV Parks in Glen Rose.

Joe points out someone's art work faces, in the cactus plant outside a shop.

We stopped at the Glen Rose Bird Sanctuary in downtown Glen Rose .

We went to look over the fence to see the birds.

We saw the full bird feeders, but no water in the stream and no birds.

We crossed back over the Paluxy River to go to the walkway to  get to our car.

We stopped to see this old stone house in Heritage Park on our way.

This house was a 1870's vintage home and one of the earliest permanent dwellings in Glen Rose.

As we left Heritage Park and walked toward the River Walk arch, Joe said, "Now you can say you have not only been to the River Walk in San Antonio, but the River Walk in Glen Rose"! Bet not everyone can say that!

Views of some of the homes that line the Paluxy River.

We get back to the dam and cross over and then walk just a bit further back to our car. Our walk that day was at least 1 1/2 hours. Not a couch potato that day!

On the way home I saw wildflowers in the ditch, and had Joe stop for one last photo shoot.

Rose Mallow Wildflower

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