Saturday, May 11, 2013

Guinea Hens, Briskets, & Cowtown RV Resort, Aledo, Texas

Friday 5/11/2013

After we visited the Creation Evidence Museum, in Glen Rose, we stop at the store to pick up a few item. While Joe ran in to the store I waited in the car with Mallery.  I notice these strange birds across the parking lot. 

When Joe got back to the car, I told him about them, so I had him drive over where I had seen them. There were six in all, 3 dark grey and 3 white gray ones.

They were not in my bird book, but Joe said God put it in his head that they were called Guinea Hens. I googled that name, and sure enough, that is what they are.

We then stopped at Hammond's for 1/2 pound of brisket for dinner and boy was it good.

We were also going to stop at the The Ranch House to get another 1/2 pound of brisket to compare which was better, but they were not open.

The next day, Joe stopped to fill up the Nest as we headed out of town at the gas station that is right next to The Ranch House. As he got gas, I ran over and order the brisket. It was $5 instead $7 for the 1/2 pound of meat. We had it for lunch later and it was really good, but it was more like a roast than a brisket.

There were fields on our way toward Fort Worth that were covered with Indian Blanket wildflowers.

Our route took us through Granbury then onto Hwy 377.

North of Granbury I saw field of wild yellow flowers.

Joe has started to make it a habit to call our next RV park a few day before we arrive and get direction. It was a good thing he did, because when he called the park to get directions and to confirm our 3 day reservations, he found out they only had us booked for Friday, and had no room for us on Saturday or Sunday. Joe spent that day calling around trying to find another park that could takes us at such short notice, and arriving on the weekend.

The campground we were originally going to was a Passport America Park, which was perfectly located to what we were going to see and do in the area. It also was at a rate at 1/2 price. From this experience, we have learned it is a good idea to confirm your reservations a couple days after booking it, to make sure there are no mistakes, and if possible, have a email confirmation of your reservation sent to you. After 4 1/2 years this has never happened before, but it was a bit frustrating to say the least!

When we got to where we were to take I-20 west, we turned left as the signs and GPS directed us. Unfortunately the exit put us on a detour, which made a complete circle back to where we made the exit. We were both looking, trying to figure out where to go, when Joe saw that we had to turn right, in the opposite direction, to catch I-20 west. He had to make a quick lane change, or we would have been back on the detour route. About 15 miles west on I-20 we could see our new RV park on the other side of the road. Our GPS told us to take exit 420, but the RV park said not to take 420, because it wouldn't get us to the park. Instead the park had told Joe to go a bit farther and to take exit 418. We were glad Joe had called ahead. 
We pass our park as we continue on I-20 to exit 418.

Once we got off exit 418, we were instructed to turn around and head back the way we had come except on the frontage road to the park.

Our drive was just a little over an hour from Glen Rose, Texas.

We were given site # 120 which was a pull through, but with a gravel pad,  and gravel roads in front and behind us. There are some sites in the park that have cement pads and cement in roads, but when you call two days prior, and on a weekend to boot, we felt "Blessed" just to have this place for the next three nights! It was forcasted to rain, but God "Blessed" us with a clear dry day for our drive. We give Thanks to God for a place to park and a safe day's drive!

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